Address Validation Summary Report

The Address Validation Summary displays these details:
  • Statistics about the job- Number of input records, number of address recods processed, total number of records for which address validation was attempted, total number of records matched successfully, total number of unmatched records, and number of standard addresses returned successfully.
  • Statistics about validation/correction of records- Number of original postal codes confirmed through address match, number of postal codes corrected through address match, number of original postal codes retained, number of postal codes not available, and total number of records for which address validation was attempted.
  • Statistics about matched records- Total number of records which were valid on input, total number of records corrected, and total number of records successfully matched.
  • Statistics about unmatched records- Number of records having street mismatch, number of records having house mismatch, number of records having number range mismatch and total number of unmatched records.
  • Statistics about records processed- Matched and unmatched records processed for US, Canada and International. The total number of records processed are also displayed.
Note: Additionally, Validate Address Summary also shows a graphical representation of matching summary, matched records, unmatched records, and total records.