Street Intersection Input

If you enter a street intersection as input, the geocoder will provide the coordinates of the intersection.

Note: Intersection geocoding is supported with the United Kingdom (GBR) Streets database. The Streets data set (TomTom source) is packaged and licensed as a separate bundle. Intersection geocoding is not available with the UK CodePoint or AddressPoint databases. CodePoint (CP) is packaged with the EMEA bundle and AddressPoint (AP) is packaged and licensed as a separate bundle.
To enter an intersection, specify the two street names separated by a double ampersand (&&) in AddressLine1. For some countries, the word AND can also be used to delimit intersections. The && delimiter can be used for all countries. For example:

High Street && Winchester Road
City: Southampton

Note: The double ampersand (&&) can always be used as a street intersection separator. For some countries, you can use additional symbols or words to delimit street intersections.

All close match criteria are enforced for intersection geocoding, just as for any street level geocoding.