
ReverseGeocodeAddressGlobal determines the address for a given latitude/longitude point. ReverseGeocodeAddressGlobal can determine addresses in many countries. The countries available to you depends on which country databases you have installed. For example, if you have databases for Canada, Italy, and Australia installed, ReverseGeocodeAddressGlobal would be able to geocode addresses in these countries in a single stage.

Note: ReverseGeocodeAddressGlobal does not support U.S. addresses. To geocode U.S. addresses, you must use ReverseGeocodeUSLocation. That performs reverese geocoding specifically for USA addresses.

For Great Britain (GBR), reverse geocoding is available with the Streets dataset only. GBR Reverse geocoding is not available with the CodePoint or AddressPoint datasets.

Before you can work with ReverseGeocodeAddressGlobal, you must define a global database resource containing a database for one or more countries. Once you create the database resource, ReverseGeocodeAddressGlobal will be available.