Geocode Address World

The Geocode Address World takes an address located in any of the supported countries and returns the city centroid or, for some countries, postal centroid. Geocode Address World cannot geocode to the street address level. If you require address-level geocoding, use Geocode Address Global.

Geocode Address World is typically used as a fallback geocoder to cover countries for which a Geocode Address Global country is not available. For example, you may have licensed the Australia geocoder because you are primarily interested in geocoding Australian addresses. However, your data may have some records with locations outside Australia. In this case you could use Geocode Address World to provide centroid geocodes for locations outside Australia, while using the Australia geocoders to provide more precise geocodes for Australian addresses. In other dataflows, you may choose to use Geocode Address World as a first pass geocoder and then route the results to country-specific geocoders. The best strategy depends on your business case and the nature of your address data.

Geocode Address World is an optional part of the Enterprise Geocoding Module. For more information about Enterprise Geocoding Module, see Enterprise Geocoding Module.