State or Province Abbreviations

In some countries, the state or province is an important part of the address and often this address element is abbreviated. For selected countries, these state/province abbreviations are recognized by World. For example, in the United States each state has a two-letter abbreviation (such as CA for California). Similarly, Netherlands, state abbreviations (such as GLD for Gelderland) are recognized.

World accepts state/province abbreviations for the following countries:
Table 1. Country State/Province Abbreviation Support
Country Name State Or Province Division Example
Australia (AUS) StateProvince (State) NSW (abbreviation for New South Wales
Canada (CAN) StateProvince (Province) AB (abbreviation for Alberta)
Italy (ITA) County (Province) MO (abbreviation for Modena)
Mexico (MEX) StateProvince (State) JA (abbreviation for Jalisco)
Netherlands (NLD County (State) FR (abbreviation for Friesland)
United States (USA) StateProvince (State) CA (abbreviation for California)

World evaluates these state or province abbreviations to better identify close matches. See Geographic Geocoding with State/Province Abbreviation for an example that illustrates this feature.