Single Line Input

Instead of entering each address element in separate fields, you may enter the entire address in the AddressLine1 input field.

For all countries except Japan, you can enter addresses in one or more of these single-line formats.

Note: Not all formats work may work for every country.











  • StreetAddress can be house number and street name in either order (with street type immediately before or after the street name).
  • City is the town.
  • Locality is the locality name.
Note: Not all of these address elements are used in every country.

Other single-line formats may also be acceptable for many countries.

The matching accuracy for single line input is comparable to that of structured address input. The performance of single line input addresses may be slightly slower than that of structured address input.

For best results, use delimiters (comma, semicolon, or colon) between each address element. For example,

Punctuation is ignored for geocoding purposes.

Format for Japan

Japanese addresses are typically written in single line format, without any delimiters to separate address fields. The typical format is:

<prefecture><city><municipality subdivision><city district><block><lot><other>

  • prefecture = ken
  • city = shi
  • municipality subdivision = oaza
  • city district = chome
  • block = numbered city block (ban)
  • lot = sub blocks or building number (go)
  • other = building names, flat numbers, or other identifiers. This information is ignored by the Japan geocoder.
Note: Block and lot numbers are the most specific address elements in Japan. Japanese addresses typically do not have street names.
Table 1. Example Japanese Addresses
Address Description
Chome, block, and lot separated by a hyphens.
Block and lot separated by hyphen, chome indicated by chome identifier.
Chome, block, and lot separated by their identifiers.

Guidelines for Single Line Input

  • Punctuation is generally ignored, however you may improve results and performance by using separators (commas, semicolons, etc.) between different address elements.
  • The country is not required. Each country geocoder assumes that the address is in its country.
  • Firm information (placename, building name, or government building) is returned if available.