Address Guidelines for Latin America

GeocodeAddressGlobal with the Latin America database provides street-level, city, or geographic geocoding for many Latin American countries. These countries comprise the Latin America database (Product Code XL1).

Follow these guidelines to provide input that GeocodeAddressGlobal can successfully geocode Latin America addresses.

  • Required fields—Addresses must contain a city.
  • Supported languages—The geocoder supports the official language for each country.
  • Thoroughfare types—Thoroughfare types and their common abbreviations are recognized and fully supported on input and output.
  • Common words and abbreviations—The geocoder recognizes common words, directionals, house number indicators, and abbreviations used in addresses and can geocode these addresses successfully.

Some Latin America countries have postcode data and some have house numbers. Postal geocoding or house number matching at the street geocoding level is available if this data is available. The following table lists the Latin America database countries and indicates the availability of postcode, house numbers, and the native language for each country.

Table 1. Latin America Geocoding Support
Country (ISO) Postcodes House Numbers Language
Aruba (ABW) No No Dutch
Barbados (BRB) No No English
Belize (BLZ) No No English
Bermuda (BMU) No No English
Bolivia (BOL) No No Spanish
Costa Rica (CRI) Yes Yes Spanish
Cuba (CUB) No No Spanish
Dominican Republic (DOM) Yes No Spanish
Ecuador (ECU) No Yes Spanish
El Salvador (SLV) No No Spanish
Guatemala (GTM) No No Spanish
Guyana (GUY) No No English
Honduras (HON) No No Spanish
Jamaica (JAM) Yes No Spanish
Nicaragua (NIC) No No Spanish
Panama (PAN) No Yes Spanish
Paraguay (PRY) No Yes Spanish
Peru (PER) Yes Yes Spanish
St. Kitts and Nevis (KNA) No No Spanish
Suriname (SUR) No Yes Dutch
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) No No Spanish

If the input includes a state/province or locality and that input is matched, it does contribute to a higher candidate ranking. However, there is no penalty if state/province or locality is omitted or unmatched.