Editing the USA_DataManagerSettings.properties file

The USA_DataManagerSettings.properties file contains file path and User Dictionary variables that need to be updated prior to using the User Dictionary Writer.

  1. Locate the USA_DataManagerSettings.properties file in the /udwriter/config folder.
  2. Open the file using a text editor.
    By default the USA_DataManagerSettings.properties file appears as follows:
    # Properties used by MapMarker UDCreator GUI
    # Optional - The number of dictionaries to be loaded.  DEFAULT=1 
    # Required - The path to the highest ranking dictionary (GeoStan data files)
    # Note that DICTIONARY_PATH is required from 1 to DICTIONARY_COUNT.
    # This information must be updated for your installation.  It specifies the location of the GeoStan data (using forward slashes).
    # If us.z9 file is in a different folder than DICTIONARY_PATH1 then uncomment the following line and update to its path (using forward slashes).
    # In addition, change DICTIONARY_COUNT above to 2.
    #DICTIONARY_PATH2=C:/Program Files (x86)/Centrus/z9data
    # Enter license file path (using forward slashes) and password
    #  These items should be left unchanged
    # Option to return all GeoStan data elements in USA_UserCandidateAddress class
    # This optional property controls the number of GeoStan instances
    # used to process requests in a multi-threaded environment.
  3. In the DICTIONARY_PATH1 field, add the path to the location of the US geocoder data files.
  4. In the LICENSE_FILE and PASSWORD fields, add the paths to the location of your license file and password.
  5. Review the optional fields and modify as needed.
  6. Save the file.