Geocoding Options

Reverse geocoding information lookup is the process of taking an input latitude/longitude coordinate and returning jurisdictional tax information. The geocoding options specify the distance units and buffer distance to use when matching to a boundary file.

Option Name Description


Select the database resource to use in the reverse geocoding lookup process.

Boundary matching: The following options can be set when matching to a boundary file such as SPD, IPD, PAY, Place and MCD, or user-defined.

Distance units

Specifies the units in which to measure distance. One of the following:

Distances are measured in feet. (default)
Distances are measured in meters.
Default buffer widths

Tax district boundary

Specifies the buffer width to use for tax district boundary files. The tax district boundary files are the Special Purpose Districts (SPD) file, the Insurance Premium Districts (IPD) file, the Payroll Tax Districts (PAY) file, and Place and MCD files.

Specify the distance in the Tax district boundary field. The distance units used are specified in the Distance units field.

The default buffer width that you specify here can be overridden on a record-by-record basis using the BufferWidth input field.

For more information about buffers, see Buffering.

User-defined boundary file

Specifies the buffer width to use for user-defined boundary files. The distance is in the units of measurement specified in the Distance units option. For information about buffers, see Buffering. The default buffer width that you specify here can be overridden on a record-by-record basis using the BufferWidth input field.

Note: To use buffers, the user-defined boundary file must support buffers.