Viewing List

The View List page displays lists of individuals and company accounts. You can manage a list here. Data in the list is retrieved from the database on real-time basis, so that it always displays updated information.

On this page, two types of lists are available:
  1. Lists display all the individual/company accounts.
  2. Whitelists include only individual/company accounts that have been marked as whiltlisted. Click here to know more about whitelists.

The List page displays this information:

Control Description
Title The title header displays identification of the list, name, and its current version number.
List Type There are two types of lists:
  1. List
  2. Whitelist
List Operations You can perform following operations with respect to a list:
  1. Create a New List: You can create a new list by clicking the + sign. It opens a new pop-up window where you can fill out required details and make selection as per requirement. For details on creating list, refer to Create New List.
  2. Edit List: You can edit the opened list by clicking the edit icon. It opens a pop up window with all the field pre-populated. You can make changes to the existing entries and then save to consolidate new changes. For details on editing a list, refer to Edit a List.
  3. Deactivate List: You can deactivate a list by clicking the Deactivate List icon. A deactivated list will not be used in screening.
  4. Export List: You can also export a list by clicking the Export icon. Once the export is successful, you can download that list in .csv format.
Filter Type a search term to refine the search results in the list.
List Components This part of the page displays the list and its content in tabular format. Each of the rows can be selected for different operations and some columns also allow sorting. The following section describes the list table in detail:
  1. Select All: You can select all the records of the list on the page.
  2. List name: Name of the list.
  3. List id: The unique ID of the list.
  4. List type: Type of the list. It can be SDN, PEP, and so on.
  5. Vendor: Name of the vendor who has provided the list.
  6. Version number: The current version of the list.
  7. List status: The current nstatus of the list. It can be Approved, UnApproved, and so on.
  8. Country: The country to which the list belongs.
    Note: You can sort these columns except Country in ascending or descending order by clicking the respective table headers.
Rows per page The default rows per page is set to 10. You can change it up to 25 rows per page.
Pagination Page numbers of the list. You can jump to next pages by clicking the links.