Viewing Party Groups

Party Groups page permits you to view and update the party groups.

The Party Groups table contains these details:
Control Description
Creating a party group Click the + icon to create a new party group. For more details on creating a party group,click here.
Editing a party group Click the Edit button to edit an existing party group. For more details on editing a party group,click here.
Show All Click to filter the components of the list. It can have following status:
  1. Show All: List all the groups. This is default option.
  2. Blocked: Groups that are currently blocked.
  3. Active: Groups that are active at present.
  4. Inactive: Groups that have been deactivated.
Search Type a term you are looking for and press Enter. The application searches all the entries of the Party Group list and displays matching results.
List Components This part of the page displays the list and its content in tabular format. Each of the rows can be selected for different operations and some columns also allow sorting. The following section describes the list table in detail:
  1. Select All: You can select all the records of the list on the page.
  2. Party group name: Name of the party group. It is a way to logically group parties for Screening purposes.
  3. Effective date: The date from which the party group is active.
  4. Effective status: Present status of the group. It can be:
    1. Active
    2. Inactive
  5. Last updated date: Last date when the group was modified.