Performing Batch Screening

Screening process

To screen the party data, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the List data is loaded in the search index. To load the lists run the List Process flow. For more details, see Importing Flows
  2. Ensure that the List data is in pre-defined canonical schema. For more information, see Schema for Party
  3. Run the integrated party flow ProcFlow_PartyER_N_Screening placed under FCC-Integrated-Flows.

On completion, the you can login to FCC to see the alerts generated for the screened parties.

Schema for Party

Table 1. Inbound_email

in_EffectiveEndDate | in_EffectiveStartDate | in_PartyEmailAddress | in_PartyEmailID | in_PartyEmailUsageType | in_PartyID | in_Portfolio | in_RecordCreationDate | in_RecordLastUpdatedDate | in_SourceSystemID

Table 2. Inbound_Party

in_PartyID | in_Portfolio | in_SourceSystem | in_PartyType | in_PartyBusinessDomain | in_PartyBusinessSegment | in_PartyDataJurisdIXtion | in_PartyName | in_PartyFirmName | in_PartyFirstName | in_PartyMiddleName | in_PartyLastName | in_PartyGender | in_PartyFirmSuffix | in_PartyBirthCountry | in_PartyGeneralSuffix | in_PartyIdentifier | in_PartyIdentifierCountry | in_PartyIdentifierFormat | in_PartySegment | in_PartyBirthDate | in_PartyIncorporationCountry | in_PartyIncorporationDate | in_PartyMaturitySuffix | in_PartyResidenceCountry | in_PartyDomicileCountry | in_PartyPrimaryCitizenshipCountry | in_PartyStatus | in_PartyCreditRatingScore | in_PartyRiskScore | in_PartySecondaryCitizenshipCountry | in_PartyTitleOfRespect | in_EffectiveStartDate | in_EffectiveEndDate | in_RecordCreationDate | in_RecordLastUpdateDate

Table 3. Inbound_Party_Account_Role

in_AccountNumber | in_PartyID | in_PartyAccountRole | in_RelatedPartyAccountRole | in_RelatedPartyIdentifier | in_RelatedPartyIdentifierFormat | in_RelatedPartyName | in_EffectiveStartDate | in_EffectiveEndDate | in_RecordCreationDate | in_RecordLastUpdatedDate | in_Portfolio | in_SourceSystemID | in_PartyAccountID

Table 4. Inbound_PartyPhone

in_PartyPhoneID | in_PartyID | in_Portfolio | in_SourceSystem | in_PartyPhoneNumber | in_PartyPhoneNumberCountryCode | in_PartyPhoneNumberExtension | in_PartyPhoneUsageType | in_EffectiveStartDate | in_EffectiveEndDate | in_RecordCreationDate | in_RecordLastUpdatedDate

Table 5. InboundAccount

in_AccountAlternateNumber | in_AccountBIC | in_AccountBusinessDomain | in_AccountBusinessSegment | in_AccountCloseDate | in_AccountDataJurisdiction | in_AccountDisplayName | in_AccountDomicileBranchCode | in_AccountDomicileCountry | in_AccountIdentifier | in_AccountIdentifierCountry | in_AccountIdentifierFormat | in_AccountName | in_AccountNumber | in_AccountOpenDate | in_AccountPrimaryPartyID | in_AccountRiskScore | in_AccountSegment | in_AccountStatus | in_AccountStatusDate | in_AccountType | in_EffectiveEndDate | in_EffectiveStartDate | in_Portfolio | in_RecordCreationDate | in_RecordLastUpdatedDate | in_SourceSystem

Table 6. InboundPartyAddress

in_PartyAddressID | in_PartyID | in_Portfolio | in_SourceSystem | in_PartyAddressLine1 | in_PartyAddressLine2 | in_PartyAddressLine3 | in_PartyAddressLine4 | in_PartyAddressLine5 | in_PartyAddressUsageType | in_PartyCity | in_PartyCountry | in_PartyPostalCode | in_PartyRegion | in_PartyState | in_EffectiveStartDate | in_EffectiveEndDate | in_RecordCreationDate | in_RecordLastUpdatedDate