Viewing Screening Results

The screening results present a detailed analysis. The screen is meant to clarify the position of the screened individuals or companies and thus helps the stakeholder take an informed decision. If the analysis is good enough to create an alert, you can use the Create Alert button at the bottom of the screen to process further. If the match score is equal to or more than match threshold, then an alert is created automatically. A Cancel button simply unloads the page.

The table describes each section, its controls, and their usability with respect to screen results.
Component Description
Name of the Party The name of the party with its list name is displayed at the top.

Maximum list match score

The cleansing match score is represented in percentage. A score closer to 100 is positive one.

Negative Media Match Score

The negative media match score is represented in percentage. A score close to zero is good for alert to move into whitelist or get a discount.
Alert This section lists the current alert and its details. Information displayed includes:
  1. Alert Status: Current status of the alert.
  2. Alert Status Reason: The reason stating the certain status of the alert.
  3. Prior Alert: Description about the prior alert, if any.
List Matches This section lists the number of matches for the party. Each match is classified into Specially Designation Nationals and US New Articles. Each list is further divided into Cleansed and Uncleansed.
  1. List name: The official title of the list
  2. Party name: The party name
  3. Street, City, State/Province, and Country: The address of the party including Street, City, State/Province, and Country.
  4. Match Score: The matching score of the party with the list. This is in percentage.
Cleansed/Uncleansed The list can be Original and Cleansed. The Original list is also known as Uncleansed list. Each of the lists include:
Note: Click Match Rule link to view the matching rules and corresponding match scores.
  1. Attribute: Attribute for any of the parties are used for matching Party and Lists. The Attribute includes:
    1. ADDRESS: Postal address of the person.
    2. ALIAS: The popular of short name of the person.
    3. COUNTRY: Name of the country.
    4. NAME: Name of the person.
  2. List: The content of the lists are used to screen the Party to identify risk. The existence of the Party in Lists indicates risk which will be investigated further to measure the risk.
  3. Party: Name of the Party to which the person belongs.
  4. Match Score: Match score for the person.
Attached Documents This section lists all the articles in which the person's name as featured. You can also add an article which can further support the case for better analysis on the person or party.
User Controls can be:
  1. Add a Document: Click the + icon to launch a pop-up that allows you to add a document's title and the link. You name also appears in the list with the document name and link.
  2. Delete a Document: Select one or more documents to be deleted. The system confirms before deleting the document links.
  3. Search: You can search a document from the list using this Search field.
  4. View Existing Documents: You can view all the listed documents. The list includes Title of the article, URL, name of the uploader, and the date on which the article has been added. The list can be sorted on Name field.
Discount Send the party for discount consideration.
Add to whitelist Send the party to be added to the Whitelist. This means the party can be put in good light.
Send to case management Send the party to case management for further review of the case.
Cancel You can close the page and any changes made to this page are lost.