Transitioning GeoComplete Web Applications

Move to GCM to GGM

This section is directed to web application developers who have added or plan to add the type-ahead geocoding feature from the GeoComplete (GCM) module. We have deprecated GCM and moved the functionality to the Global Geocding Module (GGM). The same type-ahead functionality from GCM is now provided by the Global Interactive Geocode web service in the GGM module. International and US datasets have been optimized for this purpose and are available starting with the Q1 2018 data refresh.

If you haven't started developing your type-ahead web application, please see the REST API in the Global Geocoding REST Web Services Guide in the Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform.

If you have an existing application that you are ready to transition to the new GGM service, we provide a table of mapped query paraneters from GCM to GGM. See GCM to GGM REST API Mappings.

The Global Interactive Geocoding web service supports a backwards compatible web service API that allows users with existing GeoComplete web service applications to use the new Global Geocoding interactive API with minimal client application code changes. We enourage you to migrate to the new API.