GeoComplete Options

GeoComplete Options

You can use several GeoComplete settings to control various options, including country and language selection, the number of candidates, and maximum distance of candidates from the point of origin. These options can be controlled through the Spectrum Management Console, Enterprise Designer or through equivalent API methods. See REST API Features for the information on the API methods.

Note: The GeoComplete component is delivered as a module and can be built into Spectrum stages just like any other component.
The following GeoComplete options can be controlled from Management Console and Enterprise Designer.
Note: The default in Enterprise Designer is to use system defaults. To change an option check the box labeled Override system default options with the following values.
  • GeoComplete Address

    GeoComplete based on a street address.

  • GeoComplete Category
    GeoComplete based on a point of interest (POI) category or subcategory search.
    Note: No candidates are returned unless you have licensed and installed POI data.
  • GeoComplete POI

    GeoComplete based on a point of interest.

  • GeoComplete All

    GeoComplete based on any address or POI criteria.

  • FindNearest POI

    Find the points of interest nearest to a given location. This is the only search type that cannot use Fuzzy Match .

    or a bounding box search area.
  • Coordinate System

    EPSG 4326 is currently the only supported coordinate system.

  • Max Candidates

    Select 1 - 100 to specify the maximum number of candidates returned. If Max Candidates is not specified the default is 5. If you search multiple countries, GeoComplete will consider candidates from each country, sort them internally, and then present the maximum number of candidates based on the combined countries. So whether the default country is set to USA, CAN or CAN,USA, GeoComplete returns the same list of candidates (tied candidates would use country order as a tiebreaker).

    Searching multiple countries using GeoComplete will impact performance.

    Distance Unit

    Specify the distance units in kilometers, miles, meters, or feet. This is associated with the Distance from Origin in the Search Preferences. The default is kilometers.

  • Locale
    Locale is enabled only for FindNearest POI. English is always available and that is the default locale. You can also select Native if the POI categories and subcategories have been localized. Native refers to the local language for that country.
    Note: This option is available only if you have licensed and installed POI data.

GeoComplete Search Options

The following GeoComplete Search options can be controlled from Management Console and Enterprise Designer.

  • No Restrictions

    This selection allows unlimited distance or no bounding box restrictions with GeoComplete searches.

  • Distance from Origin

    Select this to specify the search extent as the maximum distance from the X/Y origin. This search distance is unlimited by default. The search Distance Unit (kilometers, miles, meters, or feet) is specified on the GeoComplete Options tab.

    The distance from origin and the distance units (kilometers or miles) can also be controlled through the API. See REST API Features.

  • Within Bounding Box
    Select this to specify the X/Y coordinates of a polygon that defines the area in which to search for candidates. The polygon is delimited by four sets of X/Y coordinates defining the corners of the polygon. The corners are defined as:
    • Upper right longitude

      The coordinate in the upper right corner of the bounding box that represents the longitude. For example, -97.149410.

    • Lower left longitude

      The coordinate in the lower left corner of the bounding box that represents the longitude. For example, -97.615642.

    • Upper right latitude

      The coordinate in the upper right corner of the bounding box that represents the latitude. For example, 30.351415.

    • Lower left latitude

      The coordinate in the lower left corner of the bounding box that represents the latitude. For example, 30.115302.

    From these coordinates, GeoComplete constructs a rectangle that defines the boundaries that will be searched. For example, the coordinates specified above constructs a bounded area centered around Elgin, Texas.

    This extent of the search polygon can also be controlled through the API. See REST API Features.

  • Fuzzy Match Settings

    Fuzzy Match searching provides ways to compare input words with intended words and retrieve candidates based on that analysis. You can specify Hard_Match or Soft_Match for Fuzzy Match, or None if you do not want to use Fuzzy Match. This selection is not available if you use the FindNearest POI Search Type. See Fuzzy Matching Features.

  • Match on address number

    You can specify Match on address number to determine if a house number match is required to get a match. If this match restriction is checked, then returned candidates must match the input house number. By default, the Match on address number box is unchecked, which means that returned candidates do not have to match the input house number.

    If the input does not contain a house number, the Match on address number restriction has no effect.

GeoComplete Data Preferences

The following GeoComplete Database resource options can be controlled from Management Console and Enterprise Designer.

  • Database

    Provide the name of the database.

  • Dictionary preference

    Select a single dictionary to use or a preferred dictionary. The default is Use Both Dictionaries, which means that both standard and user dictionaries are used with the best close match returned from either dictionary. The choices are:

    • Both standard and user dictionary (Default)
    • Only user dictionary
    • Only standard dictionary
    • Prefer user dictionary
    • Prefer standard dictionary
  • Order Installed Data Resources

    If you have multiple database resources installed, you can select the order in which they are searched. For example, if you had both the USA and CAN databases installed, you could order CAN first and USA second. This applies to the API and Enterprise Designer only.