File Structure

The following table provides the data structure for US GeoDemographics data:
Field Name Field Type Description
PBKEY Char (15) Unique address identifier that is returned when an address is matched using US Address Fabric data
MVID Char (10) This field contains a unique list of Block Codes
Cameo_USA Char (3) Cameo USA Categories
Cameo_USAG Char (2) Cameo USA Groups
Cameo_INTL Char (2) Cameo International
PTile_STATE_PresChildren Num (3) Presence of children percentile at State level
PTile_NAT_PresChildren Num (3) Presence of children percentile at National level
PTile_STATE_FinStress Num (3) Financial Stress Percentile at State level
PTile_NAT_FinStress Num (3) Financial Stress Percentile at National level
IncomeFocus_Decile Num (3) Indicates income focus decile
Note: Click the respective links in the table to gain more knowledge on the fields.