Using Numeric Filters

Follow the steps below to use Numeric filters.
  1. Click the View tab.
  2. In the Tools ribbon, click Range Filter. The Range Filter pane will open.
  3. Select Entities and/or Relationships, depending on which set of data you want to filter.
  4. Select the Entity property and/or the Relationship property that contains the numeric information. Note: Entities or relationships that do not contain valid data in the property you select here will not be filtered and thus will remain visible in the model.
  5. In the Value data type drop-down, select "Numeric".
  6. The Minimum value field will auto-populate after you complete step 4, but you can enter a different value here if you want to increase the minimum of the range. For example, if you are looking at insurance data and filtering on claim numbers, the lowest claim number in your data may be 1001. However, perhaps you don't want to look at the first thousand claims. You could, hypothetically, change the Minimum value to 2001. This would cause all data with claim numbers of 2000 and lower to be removed from the model.
  7. The Maximum value field will auto-populate after you complete step 4, but you can enter a different value here if you want to decrease the maximum of the range. Using the example in Step 6, the highest claim number in your data may be 9000, and perhaps you don't want to view the last thousand claims. You could, hypothetically, change the Maximum value to 8000. This would cause all data with claim numbers of 8001 and higher to be removed from the model.
  8. Use the slider to set the range for which you want to return results. The model will dynamically update, removing entities and relationships, as you move the slider.