Table and Column Details in Profiling Results

The Data Profiling Results page can be divided into three parts.
  • A header showing the profile details
  • The left pane that displays the profile name and all the tables and column included in it
  • The report pane that give a pictorial view of the analyzed data

The report displayed in the right pane is based on what you select in the left pane (profile, table, or column). Details, such as Standard deviation (Stdev), Maximum (Max), Minimum (Min), and Average value are displayed at the column level for numerical data, while length frequency and text pattern frequency is displayed for string columns. Besides, based on the rules selected for profiling, additional tabs are displayed in the report, such as Semantic Type for columns having semantic type values if Semantic Analysis rule is selected. For more information, see Profiling Rules.

Additionally, you can collaborate on your profiling results using the comments feature available at the model, table, and column level. For details, see Collaborating on Data Profiling Results.

Profile details

The header of the report displays these details of the analyzed profile.

  • Profile name: Name of the profile
  • Description: A brief description of the profile
  • Started: The date (yyyy/mm/dd), time (hh:mm:ss), and period (AM or PM) when the profile analysis was initialized
  • Data Source: The source of the data in the profile being analyzed. It can be a physical or logical model or a direct data source connection.
  • User: The user who created the profile
  • Tables: Number of tables in the selected model
  • Data source type: Whether the data source for the profile is a model or a database.
  • Records: Total number of records analyzed

Model and table details

The left navigation pane of the Data Profiling Results page displays the profile analyzed and the tables and columns included in it. The pictorial report displayed on the right pane corresponds to the selection made in the left pane. For example, if you click the profile name, the report displays:
  • Summary for the profile showing the percentage of complete and incomplete rows in the profile data.
  • An overview of the tables in the profile data in the Tables Summary tab.
You can use the type-ahead Search text box in the left navigation pane to find the relevant table or column.
Note: For the date data type, results display time zone of the client machine.

The Data Profiling Results

Based on what you select in the left pane of this page, these reports are displayed in the right pane.
  • Profile analysis report: Click the data source name in the left pane to display these details:
    • Completeness: The percentage completeness of rows in the profile data
    • Tables Summary: Displays these details for every table in the profile
      • Table Name: Names of all the tables in the profile
      • Number of Columns: Number of columns in the table
      • Number of Records: Number of records in the table
      • Completeness (%): Completeness of records in the table
  • Table report:Click any of the table names in the left pane to display these details:
    Note: In Flat File Profiling you can view malformed records in your table by clicking the Malformed Records tab. This tab displays the Category and Count of the malformed records. A record is treated as malformed for these categories:
    • Rows with lesser number of fields than the number of defined columns
    • Rows with more number of fields than the number of defined columns

      You can also display a preview of the malformed records by clicking the Category. The preview displays the Record Number, Record, and the Reason for categorizing a record as malformed.

    • Completeness: The percentage completeness of rows in the table
    • Column Summary: Displays these details for every column in the table
      • Column Name: Names of all the columns in the table
      • Column Type: The data type in the column
      • Completeness (%): Completeness of records in the column
      • Uniqueness (%): Uniqueness of the data contained in the column
      • Detected Type: Displays the semantic types, such as email, phone, city, first name, and last name detected in the string in this column.
    • Null Count Frequency: Displays the number of null values in every row of the table
    Note: You can view a summary of the outliers detected for each column in your table by clicking the Outlier Analysis tab. This tab displays category-wise occurrences of any pattern, value, length, or frequency for a column that falls outside the range of other observations. The supported categories are Length Outliers, Frequency Outliers, Text Pattern Outliers, Numeric Outliers, Semantic Type Outliers, and Data Type Outliers.
  • Column report: Click any of the columns in the left pane to display these details:
    Note: You can view the outliers detected in a column by clicking the Outliers tab. This tab displays a tabular structure of category-wise detected outliers in your column. Details such as Pattern, Length, Value or Frequency, Computed Range, and Occurrence are also displayed.
    • Completeness: The percentage completeness of data in the column
    • Uniqueness: How unique is the data in the column (%)
    • Min Length and Max Length of characters in case the column data is a string
    • Standard deviation (Stdev), Maximum (Max), Minimum (Min), and Average value in case the column has numerical data.
    • Frequency of data in the column
    • Length Frequency in case the column data type is string
    • Text Pattern Frequency in case the column data type is string