Viewing Address Validation Reports

Address validation reports display charts and tables that provide details about the results of address validation, such as the number of records validated and not validated, the reasons for address validation failures. For addresses in the United States, the report also provides codes that indicate if the address is a residence, business, or both (U.S. Postal Service RDI codes), as well as codes that indicate whether the address is able to have mail delivered to it (U.S. Postal Service DPV codes).

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics CRM, go to Sales > Reports.
  2. In the Available Reports view, sort the reports by name.
  3. Scroll down to the reports that begin with "PB":
    • PB Address Validation for Account
    • PB Address Validation for Contact
    • PB Address Validation for Lead
  4. Click the report you want to view.
    It may take a few seconds for the report to appear.
  5. To view additional details such as RDI and DPV codes, click the section of the chart you want to drill into.