Location Intelligence Module

Back Up Location Intelligence Module named resources and data

Although part of the Spectrum upgrade installation process for the Location Intelligence Module is to automatically back up the data from a previous release before the upgrade continues, it is important to back up custom data sources and resources prior to upgrading using the limrepo export command in the Administration Utility (see the Administration section of the Spectrum Spatial Guide for instructions).

Any data that was installed with the module will be deleted after upgrade. If custom data is located in the same directories, back it up and copy to the same location in the Spectrum™ Technology Platform directories once upgraded. Pay special attention to any data or resources that have been added to default locations within the %install_home%\Spectrum\server\modules\spatial\ directory, as these will be deleted after upgrade. For example, if you have used the default TileCache directory for generating your map tiles, back it up, and copy to the same location once upgraded.

It is also very important to perform a backup of the repository after the Spectrum™ Technology Platform upgrade is successful, to serve as a baseline in case your repository becomes corrupt later on.

Back Up Location Intelligence Module configuration files

Although the upgrade process from Spectrum™ Technology Platform will automatically back up configuration files (which are stored in the repository) and properties files for the Location Intelligence Module, as well as merge custom settings, it is still important to back up the files before proceeding with an upgrade.

Follow these instructions if you:

  • Run Spectrum™ Technology Platform server on a port other than 8080.
  • Have made changes to any of these Location Intelligence Module configuration files:
    • Mapping
    • Feature
    • Map Tiling
    • WFS
    • WMS
    • WMTS
Note: The configuration files for Named Resources and User Management do not require backups, since they are no longer used as of this release.

Before an upgrade, you should also back up the java.properties and java.vmargs files that reside in %install_home%\Spectrum\server\modules\spatial to preserve any customizations you have made.

To back up user-modified configuration files and properties files:

  1. Use the limrepo export command in the Administration Utility to export the configuration files: limrepo export --s SourceRepositoryPath --o OutputFilePath --a --c --f.
    For example, limrepo export --s /Configuration --o C:\myrepository\configuration --a --c --f
    Note: For instructions on using the Administration Utility, see the Administration section of the Spectrum Spatial Guide. It is strongly recommended that you use the Administration Utility to export and import configuration files instead of WebDAV to ensure the files will comply with the new version of the Location Intelligence Module.
  2. Make a backup copy of \modules\spatial\java.properties and java.vmargs to save any non-default settings.
  3. Perform the Spectrum™ Technology Platform upgrade.

If you have a successful upgrade, back up the new set of configuration files in the upgraded Spectrum™ Technology Platform. If you did not have a successful upgrade, follow the instructions described in LIM upgrade backup failure procedure.

Note: If you forgot to back up the configuration, java.properties, or java.vmargs files, you can check the backup zip file that is created by the upgrade process (as long as no failures occurred). This zip file (upgrade_backup_yyyyMMddHHmmss.zip) is located in %install_home%\Spectrum\server\modules.

Upgrading With ACL

Migration to 12.0 SP2 or later versions

When upgrading to , the ACL model is upgraded to a new security model. The migration script will run as a part of installation but it also can be run independently of the installation procedure.
Note: If you export the command line interface (CLI), it does not alter the permissions. These permission will need to be migrated. For example, the resources from 12.0 SP1 and earlier come with a VIEW permission, but when you upgrade to 12.0 SP2 or later, the migration script changes VIEW to EXECUTE.
The migration script will run the first time Spectrum™ Technology Platform is started after upgrading to . It will only run once. The migration script will perform the following:
  • All the permissions on folders will be removed.
  • All the permissions on resources will be removed.
  • The new EXECUTE permission will be applied if the VIEW permission existed on any resources.
  • Any existing Deny permissions will be removed.
  • Dataset VIEW permission is removed. Other permissions on Dataset such as CREATE, MODIFY, and DELETE will be preserved if they existed before the upgrade.
  • NamedResourceMetadata resources will have no ACL for now.
Note: Having added the new EXECUTE permission, theSpectrum™ Technology Platform will start over with the new permissions.

LIM upgrade backup failure procedure

Part of the Spectrum upgrade installation process for the Location Intelligence Module is to automatically back up the data from a previous release before the upgrade continues. If the installer encounters an error during the backup, the installer will display an appropriate message and the installer will stop.

To re-attempt an upgrade after the error, complete these steps:

  1. Go to the <Spectrum installdir>\server\modules directory and make a backup of the lim_backupx.x folder at some other location (where x.x is the backup version).
  2. Delete the lim_backupx.x folder from the \modules directory.
  3. Re-launch the Spectrum installer and follow the installation steps.

To ensure a successful upgrade process, be sure to manually back up your data beforehand. See Back Up Location Intelligence Module named resources and data.

Upgrading a clustered environment for Location Intelligence Module

The upgrade process for a clustered environment in the Location Intelligence Module is documented in the "Cluster" section of the Installation Guide located on support.pb.com. See the topic entitled, "Upgrading a Cluster with the Location Intelligence Module."

Permissions after upgrading

Heap memory and pool size

Prior to version 11.0, the Location Intelligence Module had two remote components, spatial.feature for the Feature Service and spatial.mapping for the Mapping Service. For releases 11.0 and higher, there is a single remote component that handles all spatial service requests. The spatial remote component is listed as the "Spatial Component" secured entity type under the Database Resources group. In addition, the default maximum heap memory for the single spatial component is 2048MB (2GB). This default will only be set in new installs and not in upgrades. If you are upgrading from a version prior to 11.0 and your default maximum heap memory is less than 2048MB, it will not be upgraded to 2048MB; however, you can change it manually in the java.vmargs file. The pool size after upgrading from a version prior to 11.0 will be the highest value of what was set for spatial.mapping or spatial.feature. For example, if you had a pool size of 6 for the Mapping Service component and a pool size of 4 for the Feature Service component, upon upgrade the pool size for the single component would be 6.

For new installations, we recommend changing the default pool size from 1 to at least 2 or 4 in Management Console. For detailed instructions on changing the pool size, see the performance tuning topics in the "Administration" section of the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

Authentication settings after upgrading

Settings to disable authentication for SOAP and REST web services were moved from the JMX console to the spectrum-container.properties file as part of the 11.0 release. As a result, these settings will not be retained when upgrading from an earlier version of the Spectrum™ Technology Platform.

LIM installation directory names and special characters

For Spectrum™ Technology Platform installations that include the Location Intelligence Module, the installation directory names must not contain any of the following characters.

  • & - Ampersand
  • > - Greater Than
  • < - Less Than
  • ' - Apostrophe
  • " - Quote