Enterprise Routing Module

Avoid Toll Road

The user can now choose whether to include or avoid toll roads in the route for point to point, multi point, and matrix functionalities. This feature has been implemented for the following:
  • REST: GetRouteCostMatrix and GetRoute
  • SOAP: GetRouteCostMatrix
  • Stages: GetTravelCostMatrix, GetTravelDirections, and Route

SPD Data Format

The ERM data is now available in the Speed Profile Data (SPD) format. To enable auto extraction, SPD contents now comply with platform schema and the ERM supports the updated content of metadata.json.

New TravelBoundary Stage

A new stage is there for travel boundary functionality to provide better usability and interoperability with the other Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform stages. This stage determines a drive time or distance boundary from a given point or location.

Support for Ambient Speed

To add support for ambient speed in the boundary REST services, two new parameters defaultAmbientSpeed and ambientSpeedUnit have been added in the GET in GetTravelBoundary REST service.

The defaultAmbientSpeed is a String parameter, which is the speed to travel when going off a network road to find the travel boundary (for all road types) and the ambientSpeedUnit is a String parameter, which is the unit of measure to calculate the ambient speed.

Support for Intermediate Points in GetRoute Stage

The user can now specify single as well as multiple intermediate points in a request, and the GetRoute stage considers all these points while calculating the Route. If the user specifies the optimizeIntermediatePoints, then that parameter is also considered.

For the stage input, the user can specify intermediate points as Multipoint. There is also support to optimize intermediate points. The user can also override optimizeIntermediatePoints option from the input.

In the output along with the existing route geometry, the multipoint geometry containing a list of intermediate points is also returned. If the Optimize intermediate points option is selected, then it also contains the list of optimized intermediate points else, it contains intermediate points list order as specified in the input.

Upgrade in JAVA Memory

The Java memory size of the remote routing component has been increased from 2GB to 4GB. This enhancement addresses the increased memory requirement to accommodate the CVR information. The need arose when U1S dataset of the A1B database was added in the data release of Q4 in 2017.