Monitoring Memory Usage
The JMX Console allows you to monitor the JVM heap usage of the spatial remote component.
Memory usage (HeapMemoryUsage and NonHeapMemoryUsage) is based on the standard JVM memory MBean. It shows the memory usage of the JVM that the remote component running on. It includes the amount of init, max, committed and used memory.
RuntimeName includes the process ID that you can use to find more information from the operating system (for example, by using the Windows Task Manager), or even kill the process.
In the heap sections, ={committed=143130624,
init=134217728, max=1908932608, used=23483928}
are shown in
Init is the initial amount JVM allocated (-Xms); max is the one specified by –Xmx. Used is the amount of memory that used by JVM for objects. The relationship is like this: –Xms < committed < -Xmx, and used < committed.
You can modify the heap memory by modifying the -Xm in the java.vmargs file under the spatial folder (<Installed>\Pitney Bowes\Spectrum\server\modules\spatial\java.vmargs). See Increasing Heap Memory for more instructions.