Generating Tiles with the WTMS Tile Generator


This process generates WMTS tiles by specifying all parameters in the command.


Parameter Required Description Example
-url <url> yes Specifies the URL to the WMTS service or proxy if it is configured with WMTS as an origin server. If WMTS is running an internal cache, then the tiles will be served from this cache as usual. url=http://localhost:8080/rest/Spatial/WMTS
-format <format> yes Image format type (gif, jpeg, jpg, mvt, png) format=png
-layer <layer> yes Layer identifier used to create tiles (for example, World_WMTS_Layer). layer=World_WMTS_Layer_ID1
-matrixSet <matrixSet> yes Tile matrix set to generate tiles for (for example, WorldWebMercatorQuad). matrixSet=WorldWebMercatorQuad_0_to_19
-dirOutput <dirOutput> no Path to the directory the generated tiles will be saved to. There will be no tiles saved locally if not specified. Service requests will only be sent for seeding the tiles either for a middle tier cache server or a WMTS service with the cache enabled. When output is specified, the folder structure of the saved tiles is changed to match to the structure of the cache folder used by WMTS service: From - {MatrixID}/{TileRow}/{TileCol}.{ImageType} To - {MatrixID}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.{ImageType} After tile generation is finished, users may manually copy the tiles to the proper location under the cache path for the service to serve. The WMTS service cache folder has a structure like below: {RootPath}/{Layer}/{Style}/{MatrixSet}/{MatrixID}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.{ImageType} dirOutput=D:\MapInfoDeveloper\TEST\WMTS\TILING\OUTPUT
-cache <cache> no Setting the cache to false causes the WMTS Tile Generator to set the HTTP cache-control header to "no-cache" in every tile request. This can be used to flush the cache of tiles in a proxy server between clients and the WMTS service. cache=false
-mbr <mbr> no Minimum Bounding Rectangle (MBR) to be used to generate tiles. mbr="-20000000, -20000000, 20000000, 20000000"
-threads <threads> no Number of threads to use to generate the tiles. threads=1
-matrixIds <matrixIds> no Tile matrices to generate tiles for (for example, comma-separated 1,2,6 or range 1-10). If not specified, tiles are generated for all supported tile matrices by Tile Matrix Set. matrixIds="1,2-4"
-username <username> no User to access the repository. username=admin
-password <password> no Password to access the repository. password=admin


This request will generate tiles by specifying all parameters (no request file is used).

tile_builder.bat -url=http://localhost:8080/rest/Spatial/WMTS
-image=png -layer=World_WMTS_Layer_ID1 -matrixSet=WorldWebMercatorQuad_0_to_19 
-mbr="-20000000, -20000000, 20000000, 20000000" -threads=1
-matrixIds="1,2-4" -username=admin -password=admin
Note: The code above should all be on a single line with no breaks. Due to space limitations, we cannot display the request in such a way in this document