

Returns the value of a Grid at the specified pixel location (x, y).

If the Grid file type is numeric, as is the case for continuous grids (.GRD), the return type is a double.

If the Grid file type is character-based, as is the case for classified grids (.GRC), the return type will be a string.


MI_GridValueAtPixel ( GridInfo, XPixel, YPixel )


GridInfo is an expression which returns a GridInfo, where GridInfo is the name of the raster column in the table, by default it is MI_RASTER,

XPixel is an expression which returns an integer representing the X pixel coordinate, and

YPixel is an expression which returns an integer representing the Y pixel coordinate


Determines the grid value of the MI_RASTER column at the x=10, y=10 pixel from the table named GRIDTABLE.

select MI_GridValueAtPixel("MI_RASTER", 10, 10) from "/GRIDTABLE"


Raster tables expose a RasterInfo and grid tables expose a GridInfo as the value for the MI_Raster column. This function applies only to grid images (.GRD and .GRC).