Installing Spectrum Visual Insights™

Spectrum Visual Insights™ installation is to be performed in the following two steps:
  1. Select Spectrum Visual Insights™ Module in main Spectrum™ Technology Platform installer.
    For more information about installing Spectrum™ Technology Platform, see the Installation Guide.
    Note: Once the Spectrum Visual Insights™ Module is installed as part of the Spectrum™ Technology Platform server, you can see the default VisualInsights-DataMart connection listed in Management Console at Resources > Data Sources.

    Note: In case of installation on an AIX operating system, ensure that the JAVA_HOME option mentions a valid java64 path in the file placed at the location : <Spectrum installation directory>/server/modules/svi/repositoryinstaller
  2. After the installation, you must set-up the Spectrum Visual Insights™ repository.
    Note: Spectrum Spectrum Visual Insights™ is not supported in cluster mode.