International Geocoding Databases

International geocoding databases contain the data necessary to perform geocoding and reverse geocoding for locations outside the U.S. Each country has its own database, and some countries have optional databases that provide enhanced geocoding.

Note: Do not install geocoding databases on a network drive. Doing so can cause performance problems.
Note: To install the Enterprise Geocoding Module databases on Windows Server 2008 you need administrator privileges.
  1. Download your licensed SPD files from the Pitney Bowes eStore using the link provided in the release announcement or welcome email.
  2. Place the .spd files in:


The SPD file is automatically extracted to:


Once the database has been extracted to the datastorage folder, it is installed and you can define it as a database resource using Management Console. Find more information about Management Console in the Administration Guide.

You can modify the Spectrum database installation process if needed:

  • You can change the location of the data import directory by altering the platform property in the SpectrumFolder/server/app/conf/ file.
  • You can change the location of the data storage folder by altering the property in the Data Manager settings section of the SpectrumFolder/server/app/conf/ file. Consider creating a storage folder outside of Spectrum so it will not be deleted when you uninstall Spectrum.
  • By default, the SPD files are deleted after the files are extracted or when Spectrum is uninstalled. However, you can archive SPD files by setting the property to "true" in the Data Manager settings section of the SpectrumFolder/server/app/conf/ file.
  • With any change to the properties files, you must stop and restart the Spectrum server.


If you installed the Australia Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF), you must specify the GNAF123 and GNAF456 as separate paths but in the same database resource in Management Console.

GNAF123 contains the point-level dictionary. This has the highest precision of geocoding (characterized by Reliability Level 1, 2, or 3.) GNAF456 contains the remainder of address information in G-NAF that does not meet high precision geocoding criteria (characterized by Reliability Level 4, 5, or 6.) We recommend that you use both databases to validate the existence of addresses but only use GNAF123 for parcel-level geocoding. If you do not require parcel-level geocodes you can use GNAF456 for geocoding.