Segment Options

This set of preferences allows you to set the segment updates for each persistent update. Segment updates are changes applied to a corresponding route segment ID. For a particular segment, you can: exclude the segment, set the speed of the segment, change (increase or decrease) the speed of the segment by a value or percentage, or change the road type of the segment.

You can add multiple segments at a time by clicking the plus icon in the Add Segment Update dialog and select the desired update to be applied. While modifying, the selected segments and the corresponding updates will be displayed, however you can not change the segment IDs. When modifying multiple segments, and those segments have different values for updates, then the default value of each update will be displayed, essentially overwriting all values for the selected segments.

Note: Clicking the save button will add all the persistent updates displayed in the list. You can delete updates from this list prior to saving. Once saved, the only way to remove the updates is to reset using the Reset Updates control.
Table 1. Segment Update Options



Select Database

The name of the database that contains the data to use in the update process. Use the database name specified in the Enterprise Routing Module Routing Database Resource tool. For more information, see the Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform Administration Guide.

Coordinate System

The coordinate system of the input coordinates.

For more information on EPSG codes, see To retrieve a list of supported codespaces for EPSG, you can submit the SOAP request List Supported CoordSys by Code Space from the Geometry Service Demo page at http://<server>:<port>/Spatial/GeometryService/DemoPage.html.

Add Segment ID

The route segment ID to perform the persistent update.

You can add multiple segments at a time by clicking the plus and select the desired update to be applied. When adding the segment ID you also have a tool to add the segment IDs based on a known point. By selecting the Do not know Segment ID? link, you can enter the latitude and longitude of a point, and then choose from the closest segment IDs to the point.


Select this to exclude the specified segments from all route calculations.

Road Type

Select the road type from the drop down list to change the value of the road type for the segments.

The RoadType can be one of the following:

  • access way
  • back road
  • connector
  • ferry
  • footpath
  • limited access dense urban
  • limited access rural
  • limited access suburban
  • limited access urban
  • local road dense urban
  • local road rural
  • local road suburban
  • local road urban
  • major local road dense urban
  • major local road rural
  • major local road suburban
  • major local road urban
  • major road dense urban
  • major road rural
  • major road suburban
  • major road urban
  • minor local road dense Urban
  • minor local road rural
  • minor local road suburban
  • minor local road urban
  • mormal road dense urban
  • normal road rural
  • normal road rural
  • normal road urban
  • primary highway dense urban
  • primary highway rural
  • primary highway suburban
  • primary highway urban
  • ramp dense urban
  • ramp limited access
  • ramp major road
  • ramp primary highway
  • ramp rural
  • ramp secondary highway
  • ramp urban
  • ramp suburban
  • secondary highway dense urban
  • secondary highway rural
  • secondary highway suburban
  • secondary highway urban


Select this to set the new speed of the specified segments for all route calculations. Define the new Speed, and set the Speed Unit (kilometers per hour, miles per hour, meters per minute, or meters per second).

Increase or Decrease

Select this to increase or decrease the speed of the specified segments by a defined velocity. Define the amount to increase or decrease the Speed, and set the Speed Unit (kilometers per hour, miles per hour, meters per minute, or meters per second).

Percentage Change

Select this to increase or decrease the speed of the specified segments by a defined percentage of the segements current velocity. Define the percentage (positive or negative) to increase or decrease the speed.