
This tab contains the fields whose value can affect the boundary calculation. All these parameters are exposed in the input stage also.

Section Parameter Description
Database The name of the database that contains the data to use in the search process. Use a valid routing database resource name defined in the Resources section of Management Console. For more information, see Adding a Routing Database Resource.

This field is available on input as DataSetResourceName from the previous stage.

Historic traffic time bucket

Specifies whether the routing calculation uses the historic traffic speeds. These speeds are based on different time-of-day buckets. The data must have historic traffic speeds included to use this feature. The data for each country and region has the same bucket definitions, where the speeds for these bucket values may vary. The options are:


Historic traffic data is not used in the calculation. Instead an averaged speed value is used. This is the default value.


Calculate routes with the peak AM speeds. The AMPeak time bucket is from 07:00 to 10:00 hours.


Calculate routes with the peak PM speeds. The PMPeak time bucket is from 16:00 to 19:00 hours.


Calculate routes with the off peak (daytime) speeds. The OffPeak time bucket is from 10:00 to 16:00 hours.


Calculate routes with the nighttime speeds. The Night time bucket is from 22:00 to 04:00 hours. This field is available on input from previous stage.

This field is available on input as HistoricTrafficTimeBucket from the previous stage.

Only use Major Roads

Specifies whether to include all roads in the calculation or just major roads. If you choose to include only major roads, performance will improve, but accuracy may decrease. This field is available on input from the previous stage. It represents a Boolean value where the default value is True.

Output geometry
Return holes Specifies whether you want to return holes, which are areas within the larger boundary that cannot be reached within the desired time or distance, based on the road network. This field is available on input from the previous stage. It represents a Boolean value and the defualt is False.
Return islands Specifies whether you want to return islands, which are small areas outside the main boundary that can be reached within the desired time or distance. This field is available on input from the previous stage. It represents a Boolean value and the default is False.
Banding style

Specifies the style of banding to be used in the result. Banding styles are the types of multiple Isochrone or distance bands that can be displayed based on multiple costs.


Each boundary is determined by subtracting out the next smallest boundary. This is the default banding style value. This is the default value.


Each boundary is determined independent of all others.

This field is available on input as BandingStyle from the previous stage.
Simplification factor Specifies what percentage of the original points should be returned or upon which the resulting polygon should be based. This field is available on input as SimplificationFactor from the previous stage. It carries values between 0 and 1 and the default value is 0.5.
Max off-road distance

Specifies the maximum distance to allow travel off the road network. Examples of off-network roads include driveways and access roads. For example, if you specify a maximum off-road distance of 1 mile (default value and unit), the travel boundary will extend no further than one mile from the network road. Use the ambient speed options to specify the speed of travel along non-network roads. This field is available on input as %MaxOffRoadDistance; from the previous stage. The default value is 0.5.

Max off-road distance unit
The units of measure in for max off road distance. Choose one of the following:
  • Kilometers
  • Meters
  • Miles (default)
This field is available on input as MaxOffRoadDistanceUnit from the previous stage.
Default ambient speed

Specifies the ambient speed to use for off-network travel based on the road type. If you do not specify an ambient speed for a road type, the default ambient speed will be used, as specified in the DefaultAmbientSpeed text box. This option is applicable only when you specify a time value in the TravelCostUnits option. This field is available on input as DefaultAmbientSpeed from the previous stage. The default value is 15.

Default ambient speed unit The unit of measure to use with the value specified in the Default Ambient Speed Unit option. Choose one of the following:
  • Kilometers per hour
  • Meters per minute
  • Meters per hour
  • Miles per hour (default)

This field is available on input as DefaultAmbientSpeedUnit from the previous stage.

Polygon field name Name of the field, which will contain the polygon geometry in output. The default value is boundaryPolygon.