RenderStyle enhances the display of a raster by applying color
palettes and various transformation methods. Different types of render styles have
different components. The LUTColor render style can also have Hillshade properties,
which can be used to obtain hypothetical illumination of a surface by determining
the illumination values.
Note: The RenderStyle can be used only for MRRs.
Table 1 lists the elements that can contain, or be contained by, a RenderStyle element.
Contained by | Element | Contains |
RenderStyle |
Table 2 lists the attributes of a
RenderStyle element.
Attributes | Description |
type | Represents different types of render styles. There are three
types of renderstyles:
underviewInterpoltion | Represents different type of interpolation methods. When
underviewInterpolation is used, the raster images maintain a smooth
and high quality appearance even if you zoom in beyond the
resolution of the individual pixels. There are five types of
enableAlpha |
Alpha is enabled (set as true) by default for MRR with RGBA. If there are invalid (null or non-existent) cells in the MRR with RGB band, then it is rendered as transparent for those invalid cells with alpha set to 0. To disable Alpha, set enableAlpha to “false”. |
This example specifies a grid image style that contains a RenderStyle of type LUTColor, a Custom DataTransform having a collection of six color breaks, and a collection of three grid inflection points.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NamedStyle xmlns="" version="MXP_WorkSpace_1_5">
<GridStyle id="migridstyle" name="migridstyle" contrast="0.5" brightness="0.5" opacity="1" grayscale="false" show-hillshade="false" null-color="black" null-transparent="true">
<RenderStyle type="LUTColor" underviewInterpolation="None" enableAlpha="true">
<Component type="color" field="0" band="1" dataTransform="MapInfoDataTransform">
<SunShadow enable="True" />
<Highlight enable="True" />
<DataTransform type="Custom" name="MapInfoDataTransform">
<ColorBreak value="-182.586959838867" color="#0000ff" />
<ColorBreak value="57420.302986145" color="#1919ff" />
<ColorBreak value="115023.192932129" color="#5e5eff" />
<ColorBreak value="172626.082878113" color="#eeeeff" />
<ColorBreak value="230228.972824097" color="#7f7f7f" />
<ColorBreak value="287831.862770081" color="#a5a5a5" />
<GridInflection value="0.4" color="yellow" />
<GridInflection value="0.5" color="green" />
<GridInflection value="0.6" color="blue" />