Enable the Pluggable Tile Cache

To enable the pluggable tile cache in the Map Tiling Service:

  1. Use a standard WebDAV protocol tool to access the repository (such as WebFolders) and copy the configuration file from the repository to a directory on your local machine.

    The Map Tiling Service configuration file is located in the repository's Configuration folder (http://<server>:<port>/RepositoryService/repository/default/Configuration/MapTilingConfiguration.

  2. Open the local MapTilingConfiguration file in any text editor.
  3. In the Cache section, set enabled to true.
    <Cache enabled="true">
  4. Set the diskPath property to the location where your tiles are stored.

    Since this location not only stores your pre-generated tiles, but also stores tiles that are generated by the tiling service, this directory must be writable by the user account that launches the Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform.

    <Property name="diskPath" value="C:/Program Files/Pitney Bowes/Spectrum/server/modules/spatial/TileCache"/>
  5. Optionally modify the tilePathPattern property to define how tiles are stored in the diskPath directory structure. The file structure in the cache is define by the three properties :diskPath/tilePathPattern/tileNamePattern.

    You can use the key words (mapName, level, row, column, mimeType) to set the path format.

    <Property name="tilePathPattern" value="mapName/level/row"/>
  6. Optionally modify the tileNamePattern property to define how tiles are named in the diskPath directory structure. The file structure in the cache is define by the three properties :diskPath/tilePathPattern/tileNamePattern.

    You can use the following three tileNamePattern values (row.mimeType, column.mimeType, row-column.mimeType) to set the name format.

    <Property name="tileNamePattern" value="column.mimeType"/>
  7. Upload the modified configuration file back to the same location (and name) in the repository using your WebDAV tool.

The pluggable tile cache is now enabled. You can now use your pre-generated tiles at the location you specified.