Customizing the GeoConfidence Module

The GeoConfidence Module deploys three dataflow templates that you can modify in Enterprise Designer. Each dataflow consists of various components that were installed with the Enterprise Geocoding and Spatial modules.

The names of the dataflow templates are:

  • GeoConfidenceSurface This is the template that creates the geoconfidence surface that can be used for further analysis. The input is the GeoConfidence information that is returned from the Enterprise Geocoding Module. Currently, only the Geocode US Address stage can return this information. To customize this template, you must at minimum specify the 5-digit ZIP Code spatial source in the ZIP stage (Query Spatial).
  • CreatePointsConvexHull This is a subflow that is used by the GeoConfidenceSurface template. You should not need to make any changes to this subflow.
  • FloodRiskAnalysis This is an example template. To customize this template, you must at minimum specify Flood spatial source in the Find Nearest stage.