processflow execute

The processflow execute command runs one or more process flows. This command is one of two ways you can execute process flows from the command line. The other way is to use the Process Flow Executor, which is a command line utility available from the Spectrum™ Technology Platform welcome page on your server. The advantage of using the processflow execute command in the Administration Utility is that it allows you to also include other commands in a single script or batch file. For example, you could expose the process flow using the processflow expose command then execute it using the processflow execute command. The processflow execute command provides the same features as the Process Flow Executor.


processflow execute --r ProcessFlowNames --f propertyFile --i PollInterval --d DelimiterCharacter --t Timeout --w WaitToComplete --o StageName=File
No--?Prints usage information.
No--d DelimiterCharacter

Sets a delimiter to use to separate the status information displayed in the command line when you run the command. The default is "|". For example, using the default character, the message below is displayed at the command line when you run a process flow named "MyProcessflow":


No--f PropertyFileSpecifies a path to a property file. For more information on property files, see Using a Process Flow Property File.
No--i PollIntervalSpecifies how often to check for completed jobs, in seconds. The default is "5".
Yes--r ProcessFlowNamesA comma-separated list of process flows to run. Required.
Note: If you specify any file overrides this argument must not be the last argument specified.
No--t TimeoutThis option is deprecated and will be ignored.
No--v VerboseReturn verbose output where Verbose is one of the following:
Return verbose output.
Do not return verbose output.
Note: If you specify any file overrides this argument must not be the last argument specified.
No--w WaitToCompleteThis option is deprecated and will be ignored.
No--o StageName=FileOverrides the input or output file specified in the job. For more information, see Overriding Process Flow File Locations.


This example executes the process flow named "My Process Flow".

processflow execute --r "My Process Flow"