Overriding Input and Output Files Using a Job Property File

You can override the input file specified in the dataflow source stage (such as Read from File), as well as the output file specified in the dataflow sink stage (such as Write to File) in a job executor property file. To do this, specify the following in the property file:




The stage label shown under the stage's icon in the dataflow in Enterprise Designer. Use a backslash before any spaces, colons, or equal signs in the stage name. For example, if the stage is labeled "Read from File" you would specify Read\ from\ File for the stage name.

Embedded\ Dataflow\ 1.Embedded\ Dataflow\ 2.Write\ to\ File

To specify a stage within an embedded dataflow or a subflow, preface the stage name with the name of the embedded dataflow or subflow, followed by a period then the stage name:


For example, to specify a stage named Write to File in a subflow named Subflow1, you would specify:

Subflow1.Write\ to\ File

To specify a stage in an embedded dataflow that is within another embedded dataflow, add the parent dataflow, separating each with a period. For example, if Embedded Dataflow 2 is inside Embedded Dataflow 1, and you want to specify the Write to File stage in Embedded Dataflow 2, you would specify this:

Embedded\ Dataflow\ 1.Embedded\ Dataflow\ 2.Write\ to\ File

Note: You must include :file after the stage name. For example, Read\ from\ File:file. This is different from the syntax used to override files at the command line where :file is not specified after the stage name.
A communication protocol. One of the following:
Use the file protocol if the file is on the same machine as the Spectrum™ Technology Platform server. For example, on Windows specify:


On Unix or Linux specify:


Use the esclient protocol if the file is on the computer where you are executing the job if it is a different computer from the one running the Spectrum™ Technology Platform server. Use this format:

esclient:ComputerName/path to file

For example,


Note: If you are executing the job on the server itself, you can use either the file or esclient protocol, but are likely to have better performance using the file protocol.
If the host name of the Spectrum™ Technology Platform server cannot be resolved, you may get the error "Error occurred accessing file". To resolve this issue, open this file on the server: SpectrumDirectory/server/conf/spectrum-container.properties. Set the spectrum.runtime.hostname property to the IP address of the server.
Use the esfile protocol if the file is on a file server. The file server must be defined in Management Console as a resource. Use this format:

esfile://file server/path to file

For example,


Where myserver is an FTP file server resource defined in Management Console.
Use the webhdfs protocol if the file is on a Hadoop Distributed File Server. The HDFS server must be defined in Management Console as a resource. Use this format:

webhdfs://file server/path to file

For example,


Where myserver is an HDFS file server resource defined in Management Console.


The last two lines of the following property file specify the files for the Read from File stage and the Write to File stage.

Read\ from\ File\:file=file:C:/myfile_input.txt
Write\ to\ File\:file=file:C:/myfile_output.txt