Output Columns

Address Data

  1. AddressBlock1-9
  2. AddressLine1-6
  3. AdministrativeDistrict
  4. ApartmentLabel
  5. ApartmentNumber
  6. BlockName
  7. BuildingName
  8. City
  9. City.AddInfo
  10. City.SortingCode
  11. Contact
  12. Country
  13. County
  14. FirmName
  15. Floor
  16. HouseNumber
  17. LastLine
  18. LeadingDirectional
  19. Locality
  20. POBox
  21. PostalCode
  22. PostalCode.AddOn
  23. PostalCode.Base
  24. Room
  25. SecondaryStreet
  26. StateProvince
  27. StreetName
  28. StreetSuffix
  29. SubBuilding
  30. Suburb
  31. Territory
  32. TrailingDirectional

Original Input Data

  1. AddressLine1.Input
  2. AddressLine2.Input
  3. AddressLine3.Input
  4. AddressLine4.Input
  5. AddressLine5.Input
  6. AddressLine6.Input
  7. City.Input
  8. StateProvince.Input
  9. PostalCode.Input
  10. Contact.Input
  11. Country.Input
  12. FirmName.Input
  13. Street.Input
  14. Number.Input
  15. Building.Input
  16. SubBuilding.Input
  17. DeliveryService.Input
Note: The input fields AddressLine2.Input, AddressLine3.Input, AddressLine4.Input, AddressLine5.Input, and AddressLine6.Input are included in the output only if the resultIncludeInputs field of the class GlobalAddressingInputConfiguration is set to true. Else, only those AddressLineX.input fields are included in output which are part of the input.

Result Codes

  1. AddressType
  2. Confidence
  3. CountOverflow
  4. ElementInputStatus
  5. ElementRelevance
  6. ElementResultStatus
  7. MailabilityScore
  8. ModeUsed
  9. MultimatchCount
  10. ProcessStatus
  11. Status
  12. Status.Code
  13. Status.Description
Note: For the field descriptions, see the Validate Address Global topic of the Addressing Guide of Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform.