
The Notifications feature enables you to have the system send a message to one or more email addresses when a designated number of exceptions are tied to a specific domain or metric. That email will include a link to the failed records in the Exception Editor of the Business Steward Portal, where you can manually enter the correct data. To stop receiving notifications at a particular email address, remove that address from the list of recipients in the Send notification to line of the Edit domain page.
Note: Notifications must be set up in the Management Console before you can successfully use a notification from within Business Steward Configuration. See the Administration Guide for information on configuring notifications.
  1. In Business Steward Configuration, open the Domains page or the Metrics page.
  2. Select the domain or metric that you want to add a notification for and click the Edit item button.
  3. Select user names from the drop-down list (as configured in Management Console) or enter new email addresses that the notifications should be sent to.
  4. Select the number of exception records that should trigger a notification.
  5. Enter the text that should be sent as the subject of the notification.
  6. Enter the message that should appear in the body of the notification.
    You can use variables in the message to relay important information about the exceptions, including the following:
    • ${jobID}—The ID number of the job that produced the exception records.
    • ${jobName}—The name of the job that produced the exception records.
    • ${userName}—The name of the user whose job that produced the exception records.
    • ${stageLabel}—The name of the dataflow stage that produced the exception records.
    • ${link}—A link to the Editor page in the Business Steward Portal, showing records for a particular dataflow.
  7. Check the Send reminder box if you want to send a reminder notification, and select the number of days that should pass before the reminder is sent.
  8. Select user names from the drop-down list (as configured in Management Console) or enter an email address in the Send reminder to field to send notifications to email addresses other than the ones specified in step 3.
  9. Enter the text that should be sent as the subject of the reminder notification.
  10. Enter the message that should appear in the body of the reminder notification.
    The reminder uses an additional variable:
    • ${Count}—The number of exceptions for the specified dataflow or stage that have yet to be resolved.
  11. Check the Remind daily box if you want a reminder notification to be sent every day until the exceptions are resolved.