Using the Field Filter

This task describes how to filter the list of records.

After you make selection options and the exception records are loaded, you can use field filtering to display only those records that you are interested in. By default, the Business Steward Portal only displays records from one Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform dataflow at a time. You can further filter the record list to show only the records that meet certain criteria within a particular field. Once a filter is created, it is automatically saved, and the next time you open the dataflow in the Exception Editor, the filter will be applied.

Note: You must apply selection options before using the field filter tool.

You can create filters for multiple fields, but just one filter for each field. If a field already has a filter applied to it,the background of the arrow will be blue:

Blue background on arrow indicates that field has a filter applied to it.

Filters can only be created in the Tabular View. However, filters defined in the Tabular View are also reflected in the Form View. As with the Tabular View, an indicator is present near the bottom of the form to signify that a record has been filtered:

Indicator that record has been filtered.
  1. Click the Filter button.
    You will see filter icons next to each column heading.
  2. Click the filter icon for the field whose data you want to filter.
  3. Select an operator that is appropriate for the field's data type, followed by a value.
    is equal to Looks for records that have exactly the value you specify. This can be a numeric value or a text value. For example, you can search for records with a MatchScore value of exactly 82, or records with a LastName value of "Smith."
    is not equal to Looks for records that have any value other than the one you specify. This can be a numeric value or a text value. For example, you can search for records with any MatchScore value except 100, or records with any LastName except "Smith."
    starts with Looks for records that start with a particular value in the selected field. For example, if you filter for "Van" in the LastName field you would see records with "Van Buren", Vandenburg", or "Van Dyck".
    contains Looks for records that contain the value you specify in any position within the selected field. For example, if you filter for "South" in the AddressLine1 field, you would see records with "12 South Ave.", "9889 Southport St.", "600 South Shore Dr.", and "4089 5th St. South".
    does not contain Looks for records that do not contain the value you specify in any position within the selected field. For example, if you filter for "South" in the AddressLine1 field, you would not see records with "12 South Ave.", "9889 Southport St.", "600 South Shore Dr.", and "4089 5th St. South".
    ends with Looks for records that end with a particular value in the selected field. For example, if you filter for records that end with "burg" in the City field, you would see records with "Gettysburg", "Fredricksburg", and "Blacksburg".
    is greater than Looks for records that have a numeric value that is greater than the value you specify.
    is greater than or equal to Looks for records that have a numeric value that is greater than or equal to the value you specify. For example, if you specify 50, you would see records with a value of 50 or greater in the selected field.
    is less than Looks for records that have a numeric value that is less than the value you specify.
    is less than or equal to Looks for records that have a numeric value that is less than or equal to the value you specify. For example, if you specify 50, you would see records with a value of 50 or less in the selected field.
    is after Looks for records that have a date or time value that is later than the value you specify.
    is after or equal to than Looks for records that have a date or time value that is equal to or later than the value you specify.
    is before Looks for records that have a date or time value that is earlier than the value you specify.
    is before or equal to than Looks for records that have a date or time value that is equal to or earlier than the value you specify.
  4. Click the Filter button to apply the criteria.
    Only records whose data matches the criteria for that field will appear.
  5. Click the filter icon again and click Clear to remove the filter, or click the Filter button to remove all filters.
    This action can be performed in either Tabular View or Form View.