Reverse Geocode US Location

Reverse Geocode US Location takes a latitude and longitude point as input and returns the address that is the best match for that point. For example, you could enter the following information:

Longitude: -105239771 Latitude: 40018912 Search Distance: 150 feet

This input would result in the following output:

4750 WALNUT ST BOULDER, CO 80301-2538
MatchCode = NS0
LocCode = AS0
Lon = -105239773
Lat = 40018911
Search = 150
Offset = 50
Squeeze = 50
Nearest = 50.0
Pct Geocode = 94.0
SegID = 472881795
Block = 080130122032066
DPBC = 50

Note: The address returned is an approximate address based on the latitude and longitude provided. This approximate address may not exist or may not accept mail delivery.

Reverse Geocode US Location processes geocodes in the following order:

  1. Reverse Geocode US Location defines a small rectangle based on your input geocode and search distance.
  2. Reverse Geocode US Location computes the distance between each street segment and the input location.
  3. If one segment is closest, Reverse Geocode US Location finds the offset and interpolated percentage (using the squeeze factor) and the street side. It then computes an approximate house number based on this information.

    If there is more than one segment that is equally close to the input location, a multi-match occurs. Reverse Geocode US Location returns the information for all of the equally close segments so that you can determine which segment is applicable.

  4. Reverse Geocode US Location returns the address information, including the segment range, the approximate house number, and the parity of the range along with other standard address information.
Note: Although many of the standard address matching outputs apply to the reverse geocoding option, several outputs are unavailable (such as LACSLink information and unit numbers). Reverse Geocode US Location returns these outputs as blank. Reverse Geocode US Location also has outputs specific to reverse geocode processing, such as specific match codes and the distance from the input location to the matched segment.

To use Reverse Geocode US Location, you need additional data files, called GSX files. There is an option to install these files when you install the geocoding database. The GSX files must be installed the GSX subdirectory of the geocoding database. If you install the Centrus Enhanced Points, Centrus Premium Points, or TomTom Points database, you must recreate the GSX files. Consult with Pitney Bowes Software Technical Support if you need more information about GSX files.