Viewing Alerts

An alert appears only when system configuration is complete. Alert signifies that the screening stage is complete for the party.

The View Alert page displays consolidated alerts for parties and individuals.

Viewing Alerts

To view alerts, perform these steps:
  1. Login to Screener
  2. Click Alerts. The View Alert Page is displayed.

    View Alert page displays this information:

Control Description
Title The title header displays identification of the list, name, and its current version number.
Advanced Search Filter the search using advanced options, such as party id, alert status, alert status reason and generated by.
Filter Select a parameter to filter the results in the list.
List Components This part of the page displays the list and its content in tabular format. Each of the rows can be selected for different operations and some columns also allow sorting. Components of the list table are:
  1. Select All: You can select all the records of the list on the page.
  2. Relevance Alert ID: A unique ID assigned to the alert prior to consolidation. Click an ID to open a detailed alert page where the alert is described in detail.
  3. Date: The date on which the alert was created.
  4. Party name: The title of the party. It can be an individual or a party group name.
  5. Maximum list match score: The cleansing match score is represented in percentage. A score closer to 100 is positive one.
  6. Negative media match score: The negative media match score is represented in percentage. A score close to zero is good for alert to move into whitelist or get a discount.
  7. List: Name of the list the alert belongs to.
  8. List type: The type of the list. It can be PEP, SDN, or other.
  9. Alert status: The status of the alert at present. It can be:
    1. Created
    2. Discounted
    3. Send To Case Management
Showing n of n records This label signifies the number of records being displayed against the total number of records matching the present match criteria.
Rows per page This drop down allows you to select the number of records you want to list on a single page. Possible values are:
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25

Business Rules for Alerts

The Screening Solution checks all the alerts generated since the last run.

Alert Consolidation and Auto Discount: If the party meets the criteria for discount, the discount is processed according to these rules:
  1. Discount Duplicacy: There can be two cases:
    1. If the alert already exists with the same List and Party details, all the alerts will be combined into one.
    2. Its alert status is other than created, it is changed to Discounted and the Alert status reason will be set to Duplicate Alert
      Note: This rule is applicable only if the Alert Status is Created
  2. Discount Whitelist: There can be two cases:
    1. If the Party/List information for the Alert matches with that of Whitelist, the alert status is changed to Discounted and Alert Status Reason is changed to Whitelist. In this case the alert is assigned to the Whitelist Queue if specified in the system configuration.
    2. If the Party exists in multiple lists and not all lists are Whitelisted, then the Alert remains unchanged.
      Note: This rule is applicable only if the Alert Status is Created.
  3. Alert Discount – Repeated Occurrences or Feedback Loop from Case Management: If the Party has previous alerts with the same matching characteristics with an Alert Status of Discounted then:
    1. If the Alert Status Reason is Feedback from Case Management, then the Alert status will be set to Discounted and Alert Status Reason to Feedback from Case Management. The system will also capture the previous alert id.
    2. If the Alert Status Reason is not Feedback from Case Management and the count of alerts is greater than Number of occurrences for Auto Discount in Configuration then the alert status is set to Awaiting Approval and it is sent to Business Steward for approval. If the Steward approves it, the party list is added to the Whilelist and Alert status is changed to Discounted while the reason gets changed to Whitelist. However, if the Steward does not approve the request, the alert status is changed to Processed.
      Note: This rule is applicable only if the Alert Status is Created.
  4. Alert Discount – Confidence Threshold: If the Alert Confidence Score is less than threshold specified in the Configuration for Auto Discount, then the Alert Status is updated to Discounted and Alert Reason is changed to Below Configuration Threshold.
    Note: This rule is applicable only if the Alert Status is Created.