Screener Access Control FAQs

  1. What permissions do I assign to a user so he can only Review/Approve entries of a List-A, while for all other lists he can View/Edit/Delete but not Approve/Reject?

    Remove the Execute permission on the parent entity type ListEntry. Go to Access Control and under FCC.ListEntry select List-A and override the Execute permission, as shown below.

  2. I want the user to Create/View/Modify/Delete only Sanctions type of list and not any other type of lists. What do I do?

    Only assign permissions to the entity type UDA.ListType.Sanctions and remove from other ListTypes.

  3. I want the user to Create/view/Modify/Delete only Sanctions type of list and not any other type of list. Also, the user should not be able to see a specific List-A which is of type Sanctions.

    Assign permissions as mentioned in question 2 above. After that, go to Access control and override the permission for List-A.

  4. I have a list where I have a UDA named Location with values Tokyo and NY. How can I restrict the list view, so that a user can only view NY lists?

    You will find an entity type UDA.Location. Assign view permission on the entity type Location and in the Access control, under FCC.UDA.Location select Tokyo and remove View permission for the Role or the User.

  5. I am not able to create a list and the error says that mandatory field Vendor cannot be blank, but my form does not even display that field. What is the issue?

    You do not have permission on UDA.Vendor.
  6. On the Add List page, the Country combo does not display any country name and the system does not allow me to save the list without country. What is going on?

    You do not have permission on ListCountry.
  7. I have the appropriate permissions (Execute) to Review/Approve a list entry but I cannot see the entry in the Review tab. What could be the issue?

    This could be a case where the same user has submitted that list entry or the same user has approved it at previous level.
  8. I have Modify permission on List but the Edit button is still disabled. What is the issue?

    Either the List is Pending for Review or is Disabled.