Migrating your search indexes

If you are upgrading to release 2019.1 from release 2018.2, your Elasticsearch search indexes will migrate to release 2019.1 during the upgrade process.

Important: Your server must be up and running to migrate your search indexes.
If you are upgrading to release 2019.1 from version 12.2.1 or earlier, you have to perform a separate, manual process as part of the upgrade to migrate your Elasticsearch indexes to release 2019.1. This process will maintain your compatibility with the latest version of Elasticsearch. We provide scripts to do this:
  • export
  • delete-all-indexes
  • import
Note: You do not need to perform these steps if you are from upgrading from release 2018.2 to 2019.1. Indexes from 2018.2 will convey to 2019.1 as part of the upgrade.
Using the command parameters outlined below, perform these steps.
Table 1. Index command parameters
Command parameter Description Default value
-b value Optional - Number of records in one batch import = 1_000

export = 25_000

-e path Full path to where the Spectrum indexes will be exported to or imported from
-f value Optional - Number of records in each file 100_000
-h value Optional - Number of concurrent threads 4
-o operation Operation: exp, imp, or del
-p filename Optional – Override properties file containing default override index connection properties
-r value Optional – Batch size for profiling index report 500
-s path Full path to the Spectrum installation location: Directory that includes the /server, /index, and /repository directories
-t value Optional – Timeout for export connection, in minutes 5
You can perform the import/export from a script (*.bat or *.sh) or by using the upgrade-index.jar file.
  • If you use the script method to import/export, the –o parameter is implied and does not have to be specified.
  • If you are not importing/exporting from the script, specify: javaLocation -jar upgrade-index.jar
  1. Export your indexes before upgrading to 2019.1.
    export.sh –e backuplocation –s spectruminstalllocation
  2. Delete your indexes.
    delete-all-indexes.sh –e backuplocation –s spectruminstalllocation
  3. Upgrade to release 2019.1 of Spectrum Technology Platform.
  4. Import your indexes to 2019.1 after the upgrade.
    import.sh -e backuplocation –s spectruminstalllocation