hub schema delete relationshipProperty

Deletes a relationship property from a model.

Use the hub schema delete relationshipProperty command to delete a Data Hub model relationship property.


hub schema delete relationshipProperty --m model --r relationshipLabel --p property --s sourceEntityType --t targetEntityType --w waitForComplete
Yes--m modelSpecifies the name of the model whose entity type or relationship label property you want to delete.
No--r relationshipLabelSpecifies the target relationship label; includes all relationship labels if not specified.
Yes--p propertySpecifies the property you want to delete.
No--s sourceEntityTypeSpecifies the type of source entity.
No--t targetEntityTypeSpecifies the type of target entity.
No--w waitForCompleteSpecifies whether to wait for jobs to complete in a synchronous mode, where waitForComplete is one of the following:
Waits for jobs to complete.
Does not wait for jobs to complete. This is the default setting.


This example deletes the property HireDate from a model called Staff and a relationship label of Hired.

hub schema delete relationshipProperty --m Staff --r Hired --p HireDate