Entity Profile Report

The Entity Profile Report shows all data associated with a particular entity in one place. This report has a unique URL and as such can be bookmarked or shared.

Information in an Entity Profile Report includes the following:
  • The entity label (usually its name)
  • The entity type (for example, "person" or "event")
  • The total number of relationships connected to the entity
  • A list of each property tied to the entity as well as the value for each of those properties. For instance, a property of "Latitude" may have a value of "23.424076."
  • A list of each incoming relationship, with the source, relationship label, and target for that relationship. In this list, the target will always be the entity on whom the report is based. For instance, in a model used to identify insurance fraud, this list might have an entry with a source of someone's name, a relationship of "is_patient_of," and a target of "Dr. Smith."
  • A list of each outgoing relationship, with the source, relationship label, and target for that relationship. In this list, the source will always be the entity on whom the report is based.

From this screen you can open to the Canvas () an entity and all of its connections or a relationship and all of the connections associated with that relationship. Likewise, you can open to the Map () an entity and all of its connections with latitude/longitude data. You can also undo or redo actions on this page ().