Data Hub Settings

The Data Hub settings are displayed in the Management Console application by clicking Resources > Data Hub Settings.
Audit model events
Check this check box to have the Data Hub Module maintain a log of when models are created, modified, or deleted.
Include metadata events
Check this check box to include metadata activity in the audit log. Audit model events must be enabled to include this activity.
Include read events
Check this check box to include data for when models are viewed in the audit log. Note that including this data can significantly impact storage limitations for the audit log. Audit model events must be enabled to include this activity.
Track history
Check this check box to enable the History feature in the Relationship Analysis Client. Doing so enables you to view changes made to entities and relationships.
Override default backup directory
Check this check box to specify the path to an existing folder in which to save backups of Data Hub models. Each backed up model is saved to this location in a folder named model.ModelName. This setting overrides the default location for Data Hub model backups (SpectrumFolder\server\modules\hub\db\backups). The logon account for the Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform server must have write permission to the specified folder.
Note: The default backup directory location (SpectrumFolder/server/modules/hub/db/backups) may be changed by uncommenting and editing the hub.models.path.base setting in the SpectrumFolder/server/modules/hub/ file.
Backup page cache (MB)
You can increase or decrease the memory in megabytes (MB) used while backing up models. Increasing this value improves performance but uses additional RAM. Allowed values are between 8 and 8192.
Schedule backup
Check this check box to enable backups for your models and to designate the frequency and time at which backups should occur. Check Incremental to have the system use transaction logs to determine what has changed since the last backup and add those changes to an existing backup.
Log transactions
Check this check box to have the wrapper log include messages when transactions begin committing data to a model and when the transaction completes.
Log input data on exception
Check this check box to have the wrapper log include data from the input record that is being processed at the time an exception occurs. Leave this box unchecked to avoid potential security issues with sensitive information such as Social Security numbers, IDs, account numbers, and so on.
Log virtual queries
Check this check box to log virtual queries.
Query timeout
Check this check box to specify in seconds how long the server should wait for a query to complete. Allowed values are between 1 and 100000.