Using the Entity Profile Report

The Entity Profile Report enables you to see all data associated with a particular entity in one place. Information in an Entity Profile Report includes the following:
  • The entity's label (usually its name)
  • The entity's type (for example, "person" or "event")
  • The total number of relationships connected to the entity
  • A list of each property tied to the entity as well as the value for each of those properties. For instance, a property of "Latitude" may have a value of "23.424076."
  • A list of each incoming relationship, with the source, relationship label, and target for that relationship. In this list, the target will always be the entity on whom the report is based. For instance, in a model used to identify insurance fraud, this list might have an entry with a source of someone's name, a relationship of "is_patient_of", and a target of "Dr. Smith."
  • A list of each outgoing relationship, with the source, relationship label, and target for that relationship. In this list, the source will always be the entity on whom the report is based.
  • A history of changes for that entity and its relationships.
    Note: This information will be returned only if you have activated the History function. To do so,
    1. Open the file <Spectrum™ Technology Platform install path>/server/modules/hub/
    2. Uncomment and set the hub audit history line to "true" as follows: hub.audit_history=true.
    3. Restart the Spectrum Technology Platform server.
    The history feature groups data by version number, in reverse chronological order, and provides a date and time stamp for each version. It also provides the user name of the person who made the changes. Additionally, it displays the following details about any given change:
    • Operation—The action that took place: added, modified, or deleted. Note that if you delete an entity, it will be shown only if it is re-added to the model. However, if you delete relationships or properties, those deletions will appear in the history.
    • Type—The component that changed: property or relationship
    • Name—The name of what changed. For properties, this is the ID of the property that changed. For entities whose relationship changed, this is the source and target IDs plus the relationship name. For example, if you were using insurance fraud data and you changed something about a relationship and then viewed the history of one of the entities tied to that relationship, you might see something like this: "Provider:Dr. John Smith=>Treated=>Patient:Jane Doe".
    • Value—The new value that was entered (if any)
    • Previous Value—The value prior to the change (if any)

To generate an Entity Profile Report, simply select an entity within a model, then right-click that entity and select Entity Profile Report from the context menu. The report will appear on top of the model; use the arrows to scroll through the pages. You can choose to have the report dockable or floating by right-clicking the report's tab and selecting the appropriate option. You can also print the report or save it in PDF format.

To close the report, right-click the report's tab and select Hide.
Note: If you select this option the report will be deleted; you will need to regenerate it to view the report again.