Cache Configuration

You can cache data of all the logical models (and their entities) in a model store. This reduces the delays in accessing data due to network congestion.

Caching can be switched on or off for all or selected entities in a logical model. You can define the time for which the cached data will remain accessible, after which it will expire and will have to be reloaded.
Cache Load
The cache for each model is loaded when the first query is run to access it after caching is switched on.
After caching is switched on for a model store, the execution of the first query on it might take longer than usual. This is because the cached data is first refreshed from the data source, after which the required data is fetched from the refreshed cache.
Model's Time to Live
This is the duration between a cache load until the next purge of the cache. Once a cache expires, the cached data is reloaded from the data sources when the immediate next query is run.

The next Time To Live is calculated from the moment the cache data reload is completed. Once the expiry time is reached, the cached data is purged again.

The default Time To Live is 120 minutes.