Spatial and Routing Module

What's New

This section lists what's new in this release of the Spatial Module, which includes routing. All 2018.2 updates for the Location Intelligence Module and Enterprise Routing Module, listed under Spectrum Update Summary 2018.2.0, are included in this 2019.1 release of the Spatial Module.

Spectrum Spatial Analyst users will receive a release announcement containing product download information and Spectrum Spatial Analyst Release Notes.

Name change to Spatial Module

As of version 2019.1, the Location Intelligence Module (LIM) and Enterprise Routing Module (ERM) are now sold together as the Spatial Module. Applications, such as the Management Console, refer to “Spatial” instead of “Location Intelligence” and “Routing” instead of “Enterprise Routing”. The Spectrum™ Technology Platform installer lists this module as the “Spatial and Routing Module”.

The Spatial Module is part of a single sales product called Spectrum Spatial that includes Spectrum Spatial Analyst, which is a web mapping client. Spectrum Spatial Analyst installs separately from the Spectrum™ Technology Platform, is managed by Spectrum Spatial Manager, and uses Spectrum Spatial Services.


Introduction to Security is a new section that contains revised and updated topics that used to be under the Administration section.

Managing Spatial is a new section that includes the Spatial Manager documentation that used to be under the Utilities section and new information about managing Spectrum Spatial Analyst. 


Database row security: You can now apply row security for a database. Use the PreSQL feature to pass user information to the session context in the database. Row filtering is then applied in the database with the user information in the session context.

User roles: spatial-sub-admin: There is a new predefined role called spatial-sub-admin that enhances the way administrators delegate spatial management capabilities to users. A user who is a spatial-sub-admin must have write permission on the folder containing the resources they are managing. They can log into Spatial Manager, the Map Uploader, and can manage projects in Spectrum Spatial Analyst. They also have access to the ACL REST service and the internal REST Named Resource service.

Users with folder write permissions who are not a member of the new spatial-sub-admin role, cannot use management applications. These users now have a different status: they can save map projects via Spectrum Spatial Analyst to any folders they can write to. A new page in Spatial Manager lets an admin, spatial-admin, and spatial-sub-admin manage which users have folders (see below).

Managing spatial-sub-admin, user folders, and saving projects: Spatial Manager has a new page for assigning the spatial-sub-admin role to users, and for creating a folder for users in which they can save Spectrum Spatial Analyst map projects (select Permissions and then Manage User Folders). The folder creation functionality provides a quicker and more convenient way to manage folders for individual users than manually creating the folder and then using the existing folder permissions page to assign permissions. A folder is created for any user in the repository as a sub-folder inside UserFolders with the same name as the user account. The user is also granted read and write access to their folder, allowing them to save Spectrum Spatial Analyst map projects.

Spatial Manager

Parameterized Views: Administrators can now create parameterized views (view tables that contain bind parameters) when creating a named view table. On the Advanced tab of the Create View Table page, they can set bind parameters as part of the SQL definition. Parameters are defined using an at @ symbol. When validating the view, the parameters has the option to add a default value and description for each parameter. Clients, such as Spectrum Spatial Analyst, can describe the view and present the parameters for end-user input. The REST feature and REST mapping service are updated to accept parameter values in requests. When listing tables using the REST feature service it is possible to filter the list to return only named views that contain parameters.

Row-level security: Support has been added to facilitate row-level security. Two approaches are available.
  • In MISQL two new functions have been provided MI_User and MI_Roles that return the currently logged in Spectrum user name and roles. These can be used in a MISQL statement to filter records in any table or view, as long as the data has a user or role column to lookup.
  • A Named Connection definition enhancement allows for entering database-specific pre and post SQL. The pre and post SQL run when borrowing and releasing the connection. Administrators can utilize database-specific row-level security implementations by setting the database session context. There are sample SQL statements for Oracle, SQL Server, and PostGIS in the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

spatial-sub-admin role: A new pre-defined role called spatial-sub-admin enhances the way administrators can delegate spatial management capability to users. Users who are members of spatial-sub-admin require folder read or write permissions, either directly or via the other roles they belong. They can see and manage only resources within these folders. Such users can log into Spatial Manager, the Map Uploader, and can manage projects in Spectrum Spatial Analyst. They also have access to the ACL REST service and the internal REST Named Resource Service.

Folder permissions: Users with folder write permissions who are not a member of the new spatial-sub-admin role, cannot use management applications. These users now have a different status: they can save map projects via Spectrum Spatial Analyst to any folders they can write to. A new page in Spatial Manager lets an admin, spatial-admin, and spatial-sub-admin manage which users have folders.

Modify Named Maps: You can now modify Named Maps in Spatial Manager. Users who are an admin, spatial-admin, or spatial-sub-admin can add, remove, or rearrange named layers and save the map. Previously named maps could only be created but not modified.

Thematic maps: When creating or modifying a named layer in Spatial Manager, you can now define a thematic style for a layer. When defining individual or ranged themes, all of the standard options are available, including the choice of a color palette. You can also specify the labels to use for the legend.

MRR style overrides: When creating or modifying layers for Multi-Resolution Raster (MRR), grid, and raster type formats in Spatial Manager, you can now override their layer styles. You can specify a style for a specific field and band, including brightness, contrast, hill shade, color palettes, and various other options. For continuous raster tables, you can specify a custom color table. Settings display in an in-line map as a preview before saving them.

Performance with long lists of resources: There is improved performance displaying a folder with thousands of named resources. Previously, Spatial Manager could take over a minute or time out listing resources.

See also, Security, Managing spatial-sub-admin, user folders, and saving projects.


Spectrum Product Data (SPD): You can now use the Management Console to add Spectrum Product Data (SPD) resources. SPD files install via the Command Line Interface tool (CLI) and the datasets display in the Management Console under Spectrum Databases. You can select one or more datasets to add SPD files to.

Route calculation: A new localRoadsLoadFactor parameter lets you control the loading of local roads while calculating a route or matrix. The allowable values are either 2 or 3, which doubles or triples the area where roads are loaded. A larger number increases the chances that the best possible route is used but impedes performance.

See also, Spatial and Routing Stages and Spatial and Routing Services.

New and Updated Routing CLI Commands

ermdb memory set - The new ermdb memory set command defines the memory size for routing databases. The fields for defining the minimum and maximum memory values can be empty. If a value is empty, that value is not specified on the command line when starting the component, as if no value were explicitly defined. If no value is specified, or if a value is 0, the property does not pass to the Command Line Interface.

ermdb memory set --name database_name --mn minimum_memory_size --mx maximum_memory_size

ermdb add - The ermdb add command creates a new routing database resource on the server. We have added minimum and maximum memory allocations for databases.

ermdb add --f file --mn minimum_memory_size --mx maximum_memory_size

Spatial and Routing Services

REST ACL: The ACL service has four new operations to control the authorization of users and roles: Add User, Add Role, Add User to Role, and Remove User from Role. Spatial Manager and the Spectrum Spatial Analyst installer use these operations.

Travel Boundary: The propagation factor feature is now available in the Travel Boundary service. This impacts isodistance requests and it determines the off road travel distance while calculating the travel boundary.

Spatial and Routing Stages

Find Nearest: The Find Nearest stage previously only used straight line distance for its calculations. In this release, the stage can also calculate distance using a routing network where you can choose to find the nearest point locations by time or distance. To use the network option, you must already have an installed routing database. For more details, see Setting Input Parameters for the Find Nearest Stage in the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

Matrix: The new routing Matrix stage provides flexible input of either: a single start or end location as a point geometry or as two X and Y values; or multiple start or end locations as either a multi-point geometry or as a Spectrum list of X and Y values.

Map Uploader

The Map Uploader in older versions of Spectrum Spatial will not work with the 2019.1 release. If you are already using the Map Uploader, download the latest version from the Spectrum 2019.1 landing page (by selecting Spectrum Spatial and then the Utilities tab).

Path for tables: When uploading a Named Map, you can now choose a separate repository folder in which to save the new Named Tables. Previously named tables were added to the same repository folder chosen for the map.

Layer display names: You can now set the TAB file name as the display name (called a friendly name) for a layer. Previously a layer’s display name had to be changed in MapInfo professional before uploading. Otherwise, a short (truncated) name was applied. You can modify layer names in Spatial Manager after uploading files.

Volatile and read-only flags: When uploading new tables, you can set the table volatile and read-only properties. These settings are check boxes in the table list.

Running Map Uploader: To run the Map Uploader, you must be an admin, spatial-admin, or a spatial-sub-admin with write permission on at least one folder.

Management Console

Heap size and process arguments: You can no longer set heap size and process arguments in the java.vmargs property file as they were in previous releases. Now they are set in Management Console by selecting Resources and then Spatial.

Connection pool: Properties for managing the database connection pool, tab file handle, and shape file handle previously set under the modules/spatial folder are now set in the Management Console by selecting Resources and then Spatial. Both tab and shape file handle pool are now set using the pool.file property. Details are under Spatial Java Properties in the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

Java Properties: The repository cache previously set in the file are now set in the Management Console by selecting Resources and then Spatial. Details are under Spatial Java Properties in the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

HTTP cache control header: HTTP cache control header properties in the file have moved to the file in the same folder location under SpectrumFolder\server\conf\. For details, search for Disabling Default HTTP Cache Control Headers in the Spectrum Spatial Guide.

Coordinate Reference Systems

This release adds the following coordinate reference systems.

  • EPSG:2100 HGRS87
  • EPSG:3003 Italian National System (Monte Mario), Zone 1 (West)
  • EPSG:3004 Italian National System (Monte Mario), Zone 2 (East)
  • EPSG:3346 LKS-94 Lithuania TM
  • EPSG:5105 Norwegian NTM Zone 5 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5106 Norwegian NTM Zone 6 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5107 Norwegian NTM Zone 7 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5108 Norwegian NTM Zone 8 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5109 Norwegian NTM Zone 9 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5110 Norwegian NTM Zone 10 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5111 Norwegian NTM Zone 11 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5112 Norwegian NTM Zone 12 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5113 Norwegian NTM Zone 13 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5114 Norwegian NTM Zone 14 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5115 Norwegian NTM Zone 15 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5116 Norwegian NTM Zone 16 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5117 Norwegian NTM Zone 17 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5118 Norwegian NTM Zone 18 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5119 Norwegian NTM Zone 19 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5120 Norwegian NTM Zone 20 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5121 Norwegian NTM Zone 21 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5122 Norwegian NTM Zone 22 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5123 Norwegian NTM Zone 23 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5124 Norwegian NTM Zone 24 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5125 Norwegian NTM Zone 25 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5126 Norwegian NTM Zone 26 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5127 Norwegian NTM Zone 27 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5128 Norwegian NTM Zone 28 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5129 Norwegian NTM Zone 29 (EUREF89/ETRS89)
  • EPSG:5130 Norwegian NTM Zone 30 (EUREF89/ETRS89)

For details about these or any other EPSG coordinate systems, see

Other Spatial Changes

MISQL functions for MRR: There are new MISQL functions: MI_GridMinValue finds the minimum value for specified field and band in MRR, and MI_GridMaxValue finds the maximum value for specified field and band in MRR.

Deprecating Features and Products

Centrus: The ability to configure a database resource for Centrus in the Spectrum Management Console is deprecated and unavailable after 2019.1. Centrus users have an additional step after installing or upgrading the Spectrum™ Technology Platform and the Spatial Module. The Spectrum™ Technology Platform does not install with a 32-bit JDK. To work with Centrus, you must update a Spectrum properties file to work with your JDK installation. See the instructions under System Requirements for Spatial Module Support in the Spectrum™ Technology Platform Installation Guide.

Closest Site stage: The Enterprise Designer will no longer include the Closest Site stage after 2019.1, which has been replaced by the Find Nearest stage.

Configuring request timeouts: Spectrum Spatial no longer includes configuring request timeouts for SOAP and REST operations as part of a request to the Mapping and Feature services, which were previously set in the file as timeout.mapping.value and timeout.feature.value properties.

Legacy Point in Polygon stage: The Enterprise Designer will no longer include the Legacy Point in Polygon stage after 2019.1, which is replaced by the Point in Polygon stage.

Spectrum Spatial for Business Intelligence (SSBI): The Spectrum™ Technology Platform, and Spatial Module, no longer provides the Integeo Data Provider. If you are working with Spectrum Spatial for Business Intelligence (SSBI), then you must purchase the Integeo Data Provider from Integeo. For contact information, see