erm getroadtypeupdates

Note: For instructions on installing and running the Administration Utility, see Getting Started with the Administration Utility.
The erm getroadtypeupdates command returns a list of overrides in the routing data for the specified road types. You must have the Spatial Module installed to use this command.
Note: roadtypes is an optional parameter. If no road types are specified, then overrides for all available road types are returned.


erm getroadtypeupdates --datasource db_resource --roadtypes "road_types" --velocityunit velocityunit
Note: To see a list of parameters, type help erm getroadtypeupdates.
Yes--datasource db_resource

Specifies the name of the database resource that has overrides. For a list of existing routing database resources, use the ermdb list command.

No--roadtypes "road_types"

A comma separated list of road types to return override information. For a list of road types, see erm createroadtypeupdate.

No--velocityunit velocityunitSpecifies the velocity unit to appear in the response (mph - miles per hour, kph - kilometers per hour, mtps - meters per second, and mtpm - meters per minute). The default is mph.


This example returns the overrides for the "normal road urban" road type, from the US_NE database resources configured on the server.

erm getroadtypeupdates --datasource US_NE --roadtypes "normal road urban" --velocityunit kph