What's Included in This Guide
Welcome to the Spectrum Spatial Administration Guide. This guide will help you build a web mapping application or embed mapping in an existing application using a variety of web services, capabilities, tools and sample code.
Addressed in this guide are:
- Configuring your system by changing the default port number or repository database; accessing the repository; accessing and uploading resources; configuring web services; and running Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform as a Linux service
- Managing security using the Management Console, including how to add users and roles, as well as how to apply security entity overrides
- Monitoring your system, including logging, viewing version and license information, using the JMX Console to monitor performance, and monitoring memory usage
- Managing memory and threading, including JVM performance tuning, adjusting pool size, and increasing heap memory
- Load balancing spatial services for resilience or high capacity
- Troubleshooting your system, including rebuilding a corrupt repository index and monitory memory usage of a non-responsive server
Additional Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform and Spatial Module documentation is located online at support.pb.com.