Data Source Pooling Configuration
Properties for managing the pooling of database connections, used by JDBC-based data sources (such as Oracle and SQL Server) to optimize performance, are set by an administrator (admin) in the Management Console. For instructions about setting Spatial java properties, see Setting Spatial Java Properties. For details about pool.database settings, see Spatial Java Properties.
In most cases, we recommend enabling the connection validation by setting pool.database.testOnBorrow to true. This validates objects before borrowing them from the pool. If the validation fails, the connection is dropped from the pool and an attempt will be made to borrow another. A validation query is also available for special cases, such as when using a custom data provider. If the validation query is enabled, it is used.
Enabling validation may have a slightly negative performance impact; however, the test query maintains the integrity of all the connections in the connection pool in cases where communication between Spectrum Spatial and an external database is not reliable. Set a validation interval to mitigate the performance impact of validation. If a connection is due for validation but has been validated previously within this interval, it will not be validated again.