Describe Named Layer
Returns a description of a named layer, including tables, label sources (named or inline), attributes, themes, and visibility constraints. The layer portion of the response from this describe can be incorporated in a map definition, which can then be used in a REST Render Map or Render Map Legend request.
ACL Authorization Flow
To list the description of a named layer, the user (or the role they belong to) needs EXECUTE permission on the Named table.
This format is used for HTTP GET requests:
GET http://<server>:<port>/rest/Spatial/MappingService/layers/<named layer>.{rep}
For information about the parameter types listed below, see Request URL Data Types.
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
rep | String | yes | The representation to be returned. Supported representation is JSON. |
Returns metadata for a named layer in the repository. Returns a full description of the label source when describing a label layer with an inline label source; returns a reference to the named label source when describing a label layer with a named label source.
This example returns the metadata for the layer LayerWithTableRangeTheme located in the /Samples/NamedLayers directory in the repository.
"layerDescription": {
"name": "/Samples/NamedLayers/LayerWithTableRangeTheme",
"layer": {
"type": "FeatureLayer",
"description": "USA States With Range Theme",
"renderable": true,
"table": {
"type": "NamedTable",
"name": "/Samples/NamedTables/USA"
"themeList": {
"theme": [
"type": "RangeTheme",
"startStyle": {
"type": "MapBasicAreaStyle",
"MapBasicPen": {
"width": 2,
"pattern": 2,
"color": "32768"
"MapBasicBrush": {
"pattern": 2,
"foregroundColor": "32768",
"backgroundColor": "16777215"
"endStyle": {
"type": "MapBasicAreaStyle",
"MapBasicPen": {
"width": 2,
"pattern": 2,
"color": "16765088"
"MapBasicBrush": {
"pattern": 2,
"foregroundColor": "16765088",
"backgroundColor": "16777215"
"allOthers": {
"type": "NamedStyle",
"name": "/Samples/NamedStyles/CompositeStyleRangeThemeAllOtherStyle"
"rangeThemeProperties": {
"rangeType": "EQUAL_COUNT",
"expression": "Pop_2000",
"numRanges": 5,
"roundBy": 0,
"spreadBy": "COLOR",
"spreadBySizeMethod": "SQUARE_ROOT",
"noEmptyRanges": true,
"applyStylePart": "ALL"
"namedLabelSourceRef": "/Samples/NamedLabelSources/StateNameLabelSource"